Friday, August 21, 2020

Promote Person Centred Approaches Essay

1.1 Person focused arranging (PCP) ought to include each part of a help clients support. Compelling PCP is intended to guarantee that the individual’s needs are constantly focal while making a powerful help plan. Perspectives, for example, a people objectives, history, correspondence prerequisites, preferences, abhorrences and individual inclinations should all be obediently fused to make a reasonable, compelling and one of a kind consideration plan. For instance, we need to regard the decisions of the User. On the off chance that the profound accepts could show up not sufficient for us, doesn’t imply that we are correct and they are incorrect. We have to do all that we can for help to advance sufficient and great consideration for this client regarding their decisions, freedom and security. 1.2 The Care Plan is our book of scriptures. It give all the data we have to give the careâ that the Users want. The individual is at the focal point of our work, this mean we need plan and let the individual to keep up their autonomous. Care Plans should be survey routinely to satisfy the people needs. Utilizing compelling consideration designs that apply individual focuses values offers the support client the opportunity to make an arrangement that it legitimately connected to their qualities and necessities. No one jumps at the chance to feel just as a nonexclusive strategy for care is applied while considering their help needs. Everybody is one of a kind with necessities that relate only to them 2.3 It is critical to stay adaptable while considering an assistance clients bolster needs. An individual will consistently be changing and developing so it is significant this is reflected inside their consideration plan. For instance when I have recently upheld NP objectives identifying with his capacity to pick up certainty while strolling outside must be met such that made the objective achievable. From the start an objective of free strolling had been incorporated inside his IPP anyway any exacting point of interest concerning why and how this were to be most successfully accomplished must be evaluated while speaking with him during our 1:1 help meetings. It turned out cap this objective was prompted with the goal that he could pick up the certainty to go to work independentlyâ without the need to find something useful to do from his family member. As we would usually visit the store we made a strategy whereby the excursion to the neighborhood market was broken into fragments where he would walk autonomously, gradually dealing with a further and further separation every week. Had I said that he should walk the whole excursion without anyone else without separating it into reasonable advances this objective would have not been finished. Hence the compelling finish of this objective was just achieved through the requirements of the individual being met on an individual level. 3.1 Mental limit can be a confused and consistently adjusting benchmark while evaluating a person’s capacity to do what is best for themselves. Individuals should consistently be permitted to commit errors as this will consistently be a basic human right of any person. Guaranteeing that individuals don't put themselves or any other person in directâ and impending peril is the explanation for why the psychological limit act has been made. Factors, for example, tension and tiredness can influence a people capacity to communicate assent which is intelligent of their actual needs. At the point when a consideration plan is made it is in every case best to do it at once and place where a help client feels loose and ready to communicate their requirements in a way that is in arrangement with their actual sentiments. For instance at time times when I have upheld ES he has been not able to pass on a genuine record of his emotions due to being on edge at that point. If so it is best for ES to invest some energy doing unwinding practices with the goal that he can viably take an interest in the plan of his IPP. 3.3 For instance when we administrator Medications Stop some other exercises we are doing, check and perused all the data we have (care plan, MAR outline, rankle pack †¦ ) Log in the LogBook. In the case of anything occur, report quickly to line director, illuminate the client and report it in the LogBook. On the off chance that assent can't be promptly settled an appraisal of the people limit would should be completed. Initially it would need to be viewed as that the individual comprehends what they are being approached to do, why they are being approached to do it and to what the concequences of theirâ choices might be. It merits considering on the off chance that they are loose, worn out or distracted as of now. It tends to be useful to execute unwinding activities to attempt to quiet down a help client or in any event, connecting with their family to guarantee that their needs are completely met. On the off chance that they are putting themselves or any other individual in impending peril it can at focuses be important to contact crisis administrations relying upon the seriousness of the circumstance. Anyway this ought to consistently stay a the last alternative accessible when attempting to diffuse a circumstance. 4.1 Encouraging individuals to do however much as could be expected for themselves , settings objectives and undertaking. Tuning in and recognizing somebody qualities and shortcoming. Permit people time to think and advance in what they need to do. Perceiving accomplishments anyway huge or little they have made. On the off chance that they can't comprehend or settle on choices by their self, the closest relative will be educated and inquired. The request for the most part is mates, guardians, youngsters (this may change) 5.3 Risk appraisals are an indispensable part to a people care plan. It guarantees that they won't put themselves or any other individual at serious risk. While being a significant piece of any consideration plan they ought to stay as non intrusive as conceivable to guarantee that a help clients holds the option to settle on their own decisions. Certain hazard evaluations will contain a higher hazard factor than others. It is when dangers, for example, going across street in a hazardous way are instituted that the administration clients decision can get auxiliary to the way that they are placing themselves in impending peril. Hazard factors, for example, ones that identify with dietary factors frequently have a littler hazard factor making it progressively conceivable to completely include the administration client in the dynamic procedure when attempting to viably deal with the hazard being referred to. 5.4 Ensuring they have the right data and know when these choice were made for their sake. Illuminate them regarding the rights that they have. Helping on looking of more data which that may assist them with settling on their choices. In the event that they wouldâ like to submit a question, illuminate them the Company arrangement and help them inâ making the grievance assuming fundamentally 6.1 : Personal Identity is simply the manner in which we see our and is identified with our mental self view. This is significant in light of the fact that it we will influence the manner in which we feel about our self ( confidence ) Individual Identity incorporates: What our identity is What make us extraordinary What are our qualities Physical character Internal Identity Personals Goals 6.2 Those can be totally different for various reasons however everybody can arrive at a decent degree of satisfaction. For somebody could be physical or psychological well-being. Is significant that everybody knows this reality since will improve prosperity and accordingly our level or care. For instance one individual is significant be eating a wellbeing feast or for another isn't significant. Or on the other hand for an individual is significant go to chapel yet for other is all the more engaging viewing a TV appear. 6.3 When supporting an individual it is imperative to ensure that you can address their issues in a manner that advances their feeling of character, mental self view and confidence. At the point when I have bolstered MC he has clarified about how he has felt unjustifiably treated at work. This was essentially because of his absence of profession movement too a solicitation for an exchange not being met, in spite of the fact that having been guaranteed. To help with this we developed a data pamphlet about his condition, which we provided for his managers so they were completely mindful of how to best collaborate with him. I likewise began speaking with his boss about getting an exchange to a branch that was nearer to where he lived. Because of this he has now been moved nearer to where he lives just as feeling increasingly esteemed as a representative. This has assisted with build up his self-personality and mental self portrait through an expanded feeling of self-esteem just as assis ting with improving his confidence. 7.1 A Risk Assessment will be finished relying upon the conditions and encompassing. Like if the client live in the network or live in a consideration home. The dangers are distinctive in those situations and various moves should be made for make the living zone safe. Hazard appraisals help decode whether an individual needs 1:1 help or 2:1 help. They can likewise permit healthâ care experts to execute protecting methods to ensure that the administration client won't come into hurt. This can incorporate methodology, for example, giving people area gadgets in the event that they are inclined to pondering of while not being completely mindful of their activities among numerous different worthwhile practices to guarantee the people wellbeing. 7.2 The reason for chance appraisal is to dispense with any hazard that may make damage or misfortune both assistance client and carer laborer. In any case, corresponding to the administration client is critical to recall their human rights are regarded. For instance the option to pick. In the event that they are surveyed likewise for a Mental Health Capacity and the result show that they can conclude they are permit to settle on imprudent or capricious choices. Anyway it is essential to distinguish the hazard or potential results, advise the Service User which will support to settle on a choice that will perhaps include facing a few challenges. 7.3 : Everyone’s conditions could change after some time in better or more regrettable. Is imperative to distinguish any facilitates changes or dangers so the consideration plan can mirror the individual quick needs. Additionally individuals feelings and what they needs may change. Is imperative to remember the â€Å"person focused consideration approach† all the occasions and during surveys. Additionally remember our obligation of care. the objective of successful help will be help enable assistance clients to where they f

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Financial Tips to Help You Through the Government Shutdown

Financial Tips to Help You Through the Government Shutdown Financial Tips to Help You Through the Government Shutdown Financial Tips to Help You Through the Government ShutdownIf youre a government worker whos been furloughed and is currently living no-paycheck-to-no-paycheck, tapping your savings is a better option than racking up high-interest debt.As you’re reading this, the longest United States Government shutdown in history will have either recently ended or still be ongoing with no end in sight.That means wide-ranging implications across all of the “non-essential government services, but it also means that many, many individuals and their families are dealing with some very difficult financial situations. Furloughed workers have been hit the hardest.Those most directly and immediately affected by the shutdown are all of the government workers who aren’t getting paid. According to a recent report from the New York Times, the average furloughed federal worker has so far missed over $5,000 in salary.“More than 800,000 government workers have not received pay since the shutdown began on D ecember 22, which could create an especially dire situation for those living paycheck-to-paycheck,” explained Leslie H. Tayne Esq. (@LeslieHTayneEsq), Founder and Head Attorney at  Tayne Law Group  (@taynelawgroup).“Tightening the household budget is an essential first step. If this is not enough, furloughed employees may wish to seek other employment or apply for unemployment. However, government regulations and conflict of interest policies can restrict where these employees apply for work.Additionally, she added, unemployment benefits can take a week or more to go into effect, and employees will be required to return any benefits received once the government returns to full operations and back pay is issued.Those families impacted are now worried about bills from the holidays, paying rent or mortgages, day care expenses, debts they may already have had and depleting their savings to stay alive during this time. The stress of not knowing and also the restrictions of having to still go to work with no money for gas and bills is overwhelming many.”So what can they do?Have a rainy day fund? Well, its raining right now.Since banks and utility companies don’t seem to have shut down with the government in solidarity, workers may have to tap into their savingsâ€"if they have themâ€"to pay their bills.“If dipping into savings becomes necessary, consider drawing from personal savings first,” advised Tayne. “Taking from your 401(k) should be your last resort since you might be required to pay it back, which would add to your financial drain, or you might suffer a tax consequence or penalty for taking the funds early.Government employees can apply for a ‘financial hardship’ withdrawal from their 401(k) accounts. However, this should be considered an absolute last resort, and will be granted only if the situation meets specific hardship qualifications. So many have limited savings accounts to use and may only be able to last a month if they are lucky.S pend less, and find out if you can pay less, too.  Tayne also recommended talking to your landlord or mortgage company, credit card companies, and other utilities to find out what programs they can offer to reduce your payments temporarily.Some banks and credit unions are offering loans with low interest rates to government workers suffering financial hardship, she said, adding that workers should resort to using their credit cards with caution and limit their spending to absolute necessities. Consider any purchases you intended to make to be put off until you’re back to work if possible.You should also consider an open and frank discussion with age-appropriate household members to discuss purchases and spending during this time, she added. Families affected should work to avoid racking up too much debt during these times, as it will have an even more profound negative impact in the long run.”Stay vigilant and build your emergency fund.We’d love to tell you that there won’t be another shutdown. Or at least, not one anytime soon. But we can’t tell you that. Because there might be! (And lets not forget that another shutdown requires this one to end first.)In the case of a future shutdown, it’s important to be prepared for that possibility.“Having a solid emergency fund will be key to surviving a shutdown,” Tayne told us. “In general, you should always be working to pump up your emergency savings. However, if there is speculation that a shutdown is imminent, consider padding your emergency fund even more.“While living paycheck-to-paycheck can mean saving is nearly impossible, she added, doing so to the best of your ability can help prepare you should a shutdown put you in a dire financial situation or if a financial crisis occurs during the shutdown.Already working on a fairly tight budget? You may also consider finding a side job or taking more hours on when this government shutdown is over to bolster your savings, advised Tayne.Dont worry t hough, this dark cloud does come with one possible silver lining:If you prepare for a shutdown and one doesn’t happen, or it is short-lived, you will certainly not regret having more money in your emergency savings, she offered.Waiting on your federal tax refund? It could be awhile.While the government workers are being hit the hardest, they aren’t the only ones who might not be getting the checks they need to get by.“One of the most prominent ramifications of the government shutdown is the effect on the IRS,” explained Tayne. “As a result of disruptions in the IRS, tax refunds may be delayed. Many families rely on their tax refunds to be able to pay down debts.In order to prepare for the delay in receiving refunds, families should carefully monitor their spending in the meantime, she said. If possible, avoid adding to your debt while you wait for the refund if you were going to use that refund to pay down your debt. The more you charge on a credit card, the more interest you’ll rack up over time, meaning your refund will have less of an impact when you finally receive it.One way to account for current shortfalls is to try and fast track your (eventual) return:If you were using that money for other purchases, you might want to consider getting your taxes prepared and submitted sooner, ahead of the April 15th deadline. Note that this does not affect your state taxes or any refunds you might receive through the state.You might also delay purchases and financial commitments that you were relying on until the money actually arrives in order to not put yourself in a compromising financial position where you could end up with more debt and a limited ability or inability to repay, she continued. Revisiting your intended use of the funds and what other sources you have would be a good exercise at this time.If a delayed refund is putting you in a real financial bind, you can always ask for some leeway:You may even consider a call to your creditors to let th em know your situation and see if they offer options for lowered interest rates or extension of programs you are already involved in that are helping to keep your debt down, said Tayne.Hopefully, this advice will help you if the shutdown is still going on or to prepare for the next one. If there’s a next one. Hopefully, there won’t be!To learn more about financial best practices, check out  these related posts and articles from OppLoans:From Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your Money8 Good Habits to Get Your Financesâ€"and Your Lifeâ€"on TrackThe Broke Person’s Guide to Credit Cards8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterHow are you getting through the shutdown?  Let us know! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.ContributorsLeslie H. Tayne, Esq.  (@LeslieHTayneEsq) has nearly 20 years’ experience in the practice area of consumer and business financial debt-related services. Leslie is the founder and head attorney at  Tayne Law Group  (@taynelawgroup), which specializes in debt relief.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Importance Of The Foundations Of Child Development And...

Dear parents, My name is Jessika Lawson I am an early childhood educator and I am writing this letter to better help you understand the importance of the foundations of child development and learning. I will be talking about theories, theorists and my own personal philosophy on how kids learn. In regards to child development there are several theories. However, the theory I agree with and practice most is B.F. Skinner’s Behavioral and Social-Learning Theory. He believed that children learned through interacting with their environment and getting reinforcement from the actions. I agree with this theory because I have seen it happen many times. A child will never know to stay away from hot stuff if he or she never gets burnt. A child can be warned about something several times but never listen to their parents until they experience it on their own. Every action has a consequence it can be good or bad. This normally conditions the child’s behavior. This theory focuses a lot on negative and positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement means giving a consequence that the child finds rewarding. Negative reinforcement is giving an undesired consequence to the child. Here are some examples of positive and negative reinforcement. If a child receives five dollars f rom their parents every time they clean their room, they are receiving positive reinforcement. If a child doesn’t clean their room they must pay their parents five dollars, this is negative reinforcement. This canShow MoreRelatedThe Key Messages Of The Foundation Phase1057 Words   |  5 Pagesassignment will be exploring how the key messages of the Foundation Phase are applied throughout all aspects of the curriculum. It will analyse childhood theorists’ sentiments about the Foundation Phase, the notion of play in learning, both indoor and outdoor, and Personal Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay - 1952 Words

Although grandiose questions about life are a standard part of human maturation, many children and young adults with a stable family can answer these questions without drastically changing their lives. Those with steady influences often have authoritative guidance to navigate these uncertainties. Philip â€Å"Pip† Pirrip of Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations, however, is an orphan reared in a provincial and simple life. He lacks an intellectual father figure to answer these questions, so he is forced to elucidate his own solutions. The closest substitute to a father is Joe Gargery, Pip’s genuine and well-meaning brother-in-law. Pip’s lack of a father leads to uncertainty in his identity and questions regarding where his major influences should lie. In determining these influences, Pip seeks to redeem himself from Joe to higher society, but later does an about-face as he wishes to be redeemed by Joe. As a small child and an orphan in the first part of the text, Pip is an exceptionally malleable being. He has a variety of influences in his early years and is susceptible to all of them, ranging from his sister’s abusiveness and Joe’s docility to Pumblechook’s bloated ego. Although he can look to Joe as a de facto father figure, he is still aware of the simpleton side of Joe that contradicts with Joe’s paternal influences. Joe’s lack of complexity often makes it difficult for him to give insightful counsel. Pip’s ideas regarding authority figures can be summed by his musingsShow MoreRelatedGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1113 Words   |  5 Pagesadventures that the male characters go on. This seems to be relevant in a lot of movies and books like the story Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. In Great Expectations there are multiple female characters like Estella, Biddy, and Miss Havisham who all play a large part in the main character, Pip’s life. One of the first that we meet the character Estella in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations is when Pip goes to Miss Havisham’s to play with her. The two kids play the game beggar my neighbor when EstellaRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1347 Words   |  6 Pagespoor status of the economy, social mobility does not seem to be occurring at high rates, with the poor getting poorer and rich getting richer. Despite this, social mobility is alive and well, and has been for centuries. In his novel, Great Expectations, Charles Dickens voices the concerns of many that lived in Victorian England during the 19th century by promoting such a desire to live life in a more prosperous social class. One of the most fundamental and reoccurring themes in the novel is that ofRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1426 Words   |  6 Pages Twelve-year-old Charles dickens gets ready for bed after a long day at the blacking house. These Victorian-aged memories will provide him with many ideas for his highly acclaimed novel Great Expectations. Set in 1830 England, Great Expectations is a coming-of-age story about a common innocent boy named Pip and his road to becoming a gentleman through the influence of others. Pip is influenced both positively and negatively by Estella, Herbert, and Magwitch. Estella left a huge impression on PipRead MoreGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens984 Words   |  4 PagesCharles Dickens utilizes his life for inspiration for the protagonist Pip in his novel Great Expectations. They both struggle with their social standing. Dickens loved plays and theatre and therefore incorporated them into Pip’s life. Dickens died happy in the middle class and Pip died happy in the middle class. The connection Dickens makes with his life to Pip’s life is undeniable. If readers understand Dickens and his upbringing then readers can understand how and why he created Pip’s upbringingRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations943 Words   |  4 Pages This is true in many cases but none as much as in Great Expectations. In many ways the narrator/protagonist Pip is Charles Dickens in body and mind. While there are many differences between the story and Charles Dickens life there remains one constant. This constant is the way Pip as the narra tor feels, because these feelings are Dickens s own feelings about the life he lead. Since Great Expectations was written towards end of Charles Dickens life, he was wiser and able to make out the mistakesRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1375 Words   |  6 PagesGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens and The Talented Mr Ripley by Anthony Minghella present similar criticisms of society to a large extent. 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Throughout hisRead MoreGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens924 Words   |  4 Pagesa character driven novel, or a mix of the two. In order for a novel to be character driven, it must revolve more around the characters’ individual thoughts, feelings, and inner struggles, rather than around the quest of the story. Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens, is a character driven novel. While the story does have a plot, it is not contingent upon that plot, but rather is reliant upon its characters and their natures. This is evident from the beginning of the novel. From the opening ofRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations1669 Words   |  7 PagesCharles Dickens He was one of England s greatest authors of the 1800 s, better known as the Victorian era. The various themes and ideas of that time are perfectly showcased in his many novels and short stories, such as Nicholas Nickelby, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, and A Christmas Carol. Much of the inspiration for these works came from the trials and conflicts that he dealt with in his own life. His volumes of fictional writing show the greatRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations1017 Words   |  5 Pagesexperiencer is somewhere else absorbing knowledge of a different setting.This abstract adventure is seized by author Charles Dickens in Great Expectations. Great Expectations is historical fiction giving readers comprehension of the Victorian Era.Upon the reading, readers begin to catch on the intended purpose and its significance. A person who lived during the Victorian Era was Charles Dickens himself.He grew up during a time where differences in social class were to an extreme degree.Dickens went through

Mudik in Indonesia Free Essays

The tradition of mudik or home for the holidays is found in many countries. Why is this tradition so strong in certain societies? Does it still have a place in today’s world? Mudik is an Indonesian term used to describe when someone who lives away from home is coming home for the holidays. This tradition is often seen during great holidays, such as Christmas and Eid-ul-Fitr. We will write a custom essay sample on Mudik in Indonesia or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Indonesia, for example, as many as 30 million people go mudik on Eid-ul-Fitr in 2011. Most people do mudik activity because they want to reunite with their families after being away for working or studying for a long time. Some societies think that mudik is a sacred tradition, because they usually only do that once a year on the great holidays. At that time, they feel that they need to see their family members and strengthen the relationship with them by spending time together. Moreover, those holidays are very essential in both culture and religion matters, and therefore, people are willing to go for a long distance trip home to celebrate them. Many people living far away from home in big cities do not only do mudik as a tradition, but also as a reason to run away from urban life and to feel again the atmosphere of the home where their childhood memories be. For instance, the stress I had brought from the urban city suddenly disappeared when I ate my mother’s cooking that I always missed. Nowadays, the number of people go mudik is increasing over time. One of the reasons is the increasing level of income, so more people can afford to buy travel tickets or even drive their own private vehicles as transport means. An aim they have which is to be back again with their families. They will go through any constrains only to feel again their home sweet home atmosphere. How to cite Mudik in Indonesia, Essay examples

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Red light Essay Example For Students

The Red light Essay But when Mr Kipps got downstairs, a dark, Red light marked the door, which immediately represented the door as something important. The Red light represented a sense of evil, and that something dangerous was behind the door. It also sent a message to the audience, which was a warning to the actor for him not to go through that door. The first word that sprung to the audience was stop, relating to the colour Red. This also gave the play an eery and spooky effect. Mr Kipps then reached towards the door handle slowly, and as he kept trying to open the door, this made the audience not want to look, for they were expecting some sort of a monster or ghost to appear. After a few seconds of him trying to open the door, a recording of a young woman and a young boys screams were played when they died on the pony and trap. This recording made the audience scream with terror, and filled the play with anxiety and shock. The recording also represents what will happen to Mr Kipps wife and child when they go on a pony and trap, for later on in the play we are informed that seeing the woman in black twice is followed by the death of a child. We will write a custom essay on The Red light specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We used marking the moment at the end of our performance. Sarah narrated on the stage block, and me and Adelade sat on two chairs behind the block with our backs to the audience. We did this, so when we bung our feet on the edge of the block, the audience would not know where it was coming from, for they could not see our feet. This would create tension in the audience, for it would relate to the woman in blacks presence. Emily slowly walked towards the audience with a serious look on her face, which would make the audience scared, for it was like she was coming for them. It would also remind them that children were always the ones to die when their parents saw the woman in black. Emilys costume also got her more involved in the role, for she wore a black bonnet and dress. The colour black represents doom and emptiness, which relates to how the woman in blacks life was a tradejy, and how her sons life was doomed. Role play was also used, because the narrator kept on switching to the role of Keckwick. Role play is basically when a certain character takes on the role of another character by taking their thoughts, feelings and emotions. This would also make the audience feel more personally involved, and will help them understand about different characters. This was effective in the play, because it helped the audience understand how alone Mr Kipps felt at Eel Marsh house, and how much of a comfort Keckwick was to him. This relates to the death on the pony and trap, for Mr Kipps experiences the haunting of the young womans and youngs boys death on the pony and trap. Everytime Keckwick arrives at Eel Marsh house on his pony and trap, Mr Kipps is terrified for he thinks it is the haunted noise he keeps on hearing. This conveys to the audience how Mr Kipps does not realise that his child will be next to die on a pony and trap. A scene that relates to this is at the end when Mr Kipps wife and son get killed on the pony and trap. At first, Mr Kipps narrates about how it was a lovely, sunny day, and how there were children rolling about on the grass with stalls selling ices and fruits. This completely calms the audience down, and makes them think that Mr Kipps troubles with the woman in black are all over. The lighting was a flood of bright, white light, which would also relax the audience, for they would expect nothing scary to happen. .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 , .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .postImageUrl , .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 , .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02:hover , .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02:visited , .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02:active { border:0!important; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02:active , .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02 .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u48c50fefaa873b1c9aef0426f7805c02:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Assessment of Blood Brothers EssayThere is a recorded noise of the pony and trap going away, then all of a sudden the lighting turns to a really dim grey, and the woman in black steps out from behind the curtain. Then the audience hears the recording of the screaming again, but this time, it represents Stella and her child. This happened really quick, and would of completely shocked the audience, for no suspense was built up towards this event. The dim, grey light would of created a really ghostly, nightmarish sort of scene, and would show how dispaired and upset Mr Kipps felt when he realised he had lost the ones he loved. In my performance, I used role play when I switched from the act of Stella to the role of Mr Kipps. This helped me to understand how Stella and her son were completely innocent victims, and how petrifyed they felt when they were dying and had nobody around to help them. It also helped me to understand that it must have been a really horrible experience for the woman in black when she was isolated from her one and only child, and how she felt like nobody else should have the chance to settle down with a happy family, because she never got the chance to. It also helped me understand that you do not know what it feels like to lose a child until you have been through it yourself, and that you should never take anyone elses child as your own, for revenge will happen later on. When me and Adelade were having a conversation towards the end about the woman in black, we had a white spot light on us. This emphasized the woman in black, and how she affected Mr Kipps life emotionally. It also helped me understand that if Mr Kipps did not stay at Eel Marsh house, he would not have looked further into Jennet Humfryes life history, and got involved with the woman in Black.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister 1979â€1990

Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister 1979–1990 Margaret Thatcher (October 13, 1925 - April 8, 2013) was  the  first woman prime minister  of the United Kingdom and the first European woman to serve as a prime minister. She  was a radical conservative, known for dismantling nationalized industries and social services, weakening union power. She was also the first  incumbent prime minister in the UK removed on a vote of their own party.  She was an  ally of US Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.  Before becoming prime minister, she was a politician at lower levels and a research chemist. Roots Born Margaret Hilda Roberts to a solidly middle-class family- neither rich nor poor- in the small town of Grantham, noted for manufacturing railroad equipment. Margarets father Alfred Roberts was a grocer and her mother Beatrice a homemaker and dressmaker. Alfred Roberts had left school to support his family. Margaret had one sibling, an older sister Muriel, born in 1921. The family lived in a 3-story brick building, with the grocery on the first floor. The girls worked in the store, and the parents took separate vacations so that the store could always be open. Alfred Roberts was also a local leader: a lay Methodist preacher, a member of the Rotary Club, an alderman, and the towns mayor. Margarets parents had been liberals who, between the two world wars, voted conservative. Grantham, an industrial city, experienced heavy bombing during World War II. Margaret attended Grantham Girls School, where she focused on science and math. By age 13, she already had expressed her goal of becoming a member of Parliament. From 1943 to 1947, Margaret attended Somerville College, Oxford, where she received her degree in chemistry. She taught during summers to supplement her partial scholarship. She was also active in conservative political circles at Oxford; from 1946 to 1947, she was the president of the University Conservative Association. Winston Churchill was her hero. Early Political and Personal Life After college, she went to work as a research chemist, working for two different companies in the developing plastics industry. She stayed involved in politics, going to the Conservative Party Conference in 1948 representing Oxford graduates. In 1950 and 1951, she unsuccessfully stood for election to represent Dartford in North Kent, running as a Tory for a safe Labour seat. As a very young woman running for office, she received media attention for these campaigns. During this time, she met Denis Thatcher, a director of his familys paint company. Denis came from more wealth and power than Margaret had; he had also been briefly married during World War II before divorcing. Margaret and Denis were married on December 13, 1951. Margaret studied law from 1951 to 1954, specializing in tax law. She later wrote that she was inspired by a 1952 article, Wake Up, Women, to pursue a full life with both family and a career. In 1953, she took the Bar Finals, and gave birth to twins, Mark and Carol, six weeks prematurely, in August. From 1954 to 1961, Margaret Thatcher was in private law practice as a barrister, specializing in tax and patent law. From 1955 to 1958, she tried, unsuccessfully, several times to be selected as a Tory candidate for MP. Member of Parliament In 1959, Margaret Thatcher was elected to a rather safe seat in Parliament, becoming the Conservative MP for Finchley, a suburb north of London. With Finchleys large Jewish population, Margaret Thatcher developed a long-term association with conservative Jews and support for Israel. She was one of 25 women in the House of Commons, but she received more attention than most because she was the youngest. Her childhood dream of becoming an MP was achieved. Margaret put her children in boarding school. From 1961 to 1964, having left her private law practice, Margaret took the minor office in Harold Macmillans government of Joint Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance. In 1965, her husband Denis became the director of an oil company which had taken over his familys business. In 1967, opposition leader Edward Heath made Margaret Thatcher the oppositions spokesperson on energy policy. In 1970, the Heath government was elected, and thus the Conservatives were in power. Margaret served from 1970 to 1974 as the Secretary of State for Education and Science, earning by her policies the description in one newspaper of the most unpopular woman in Britain. She abolished free milk in school for those over age seven, and was called for this Ma Thatcher, Milk Snatcher. She supported funding for primary education but promoted private funding for secondary and university education. Also in 1970, Thatcher became the privy councilor and co-chair of the Womens National Commission. Though unwilling to call herself a feminist or associate with the growing feminist movement, or credit feminism with her success, she supported womens economic role. In 1973, Britain joined the European Economic Community, an issue about which Margaret Thatcher would have much to say during her political career. In 1974, Thatcher also became the Tory spokesperson on the environment and took a staff position with the Centre for Policy Studies, promoting monetarism, Milton Friedmans economic approach, as contrasted with the Keynesian economic philosophy. In 1974, the Conservatives were defeated, with the Heath government in increasing conflict with Britains strong unions. Conservative Party Leader In the wake of Heaths defeat, Margaret Thatcher challenged him for leadership of the party. She won 130 votes on the first ballot to Heaths 119, and Heath then withdrew, with Thatcher winning the position on the second ballot. Denis Thatcher retired in 1975, supporting his wifes political career. Her daughter Carol studied law, became a journalist in Australia in 1977; her son Mark studied accounting but failed to qualify in the exams; he became something of a playboy and took up automobile racing. In 1976, a speech by Margaret Thatcher warning of the aim of the Soviet Union for world domination earned Margaret the sobriquet the Iron Lady, given to her by the Soviets. Her radically conservative economic ideas earned the name for the first time, that same year, of Thatcherism. In 1979, Thatcher spoke against immigration to the Commonwealth  countries as a threat to their culture. She was known, more and more, for her direct and confrontational style of politics. The winter of 1978 to 1979 was known in Britain as the Winter of Their Discontent. Many union strikes and conflicts combined with the effects of harsh winter storms to weaken confidence in the Labour government. In early 1979, the conservatives won a narrow victory. Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher became prime minister of the United Kingdom on May 4, 1979. She was not only the UKs first woman prime minister, but she was also the first woman prime minister in Europe. She brought in her radical right-wing economic policies, Thatcherism, plus her confrontational style and personal frugality. During her time in office, she continued to prepare breakfast and dinner for her husband, and even to do grocery shopping. She refused part of her salary. Her political platform was that of limiting government and public spending, letting market forces control the economy. She was a monetarist, a follower of Milton Friedmans economic theories, and saw her role as eliminating socialism from Britain. She also supported reduced taxes and public spending, and the deregulation of industry. She planned to privatize Britains many government-owned industries and to end government subsidies to others. She wanted legislation to seriously restrict union power and abolish tariffs except to non-European countries. She took office in the middle of a worldwide economic recession; the result of her policies in that context was serious economic disruption. Bankruptcies and mortgage foreclosures increased, unemployment increased and industrial production fell considerably. Terrorism around Northern Irelands status continued. A 1980 steelworkers strike disrupted the economy further. Thatcher refused to allow Britain to join the EECs European Monetary System. North Sea windfall receipts for off-shore oil helped lessen the economic effects. In 1981 Britain had its highest unemployment since 1931: 3.1 to 3.5 million. One effect was the rise in social welfare payments, making it impossible for Thatcher to cut taxes as much as shed planned. There were riots in some cities. In the 1981 Brixton riots, police misconduct was exposed, further polarizing the nation. In 1982, those industries still nationalized were forced to borrow and thus had to raise prices. Margaret Thatchers popularity was very low. Even within her own party, her popularity waned. In 1981 she began replacing more traditional conservatives with members of her own more radical circle. She began to develop a close relationship with the new USA president, Ronald Reagan, whose administration supported many of the same economic policies hers did. And then, in 1982, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, perhaps encouraged by the effects of military cutbacks under Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher sent 8,000 military personnel to fight a much larger number of Argentinians; her win of the Falklands War restored her to popularity. The press also covered the 1982 disappearance of Thatchers son, Mark, in the Sahara Desert during an automobile rally. He and his crew were found four days later, considerably off course. Re-election With the Labour Party still deeply divided, Margaret Thatcher won re-election in 1983 with 43% of the vote for her party, including a 101 seat majority. (In 1979 the margin had been 44 seats.) Thatcher continued her policies, and unemployment continued at over 3 million. The crime rate and prison populations grew, and foreclosures continued. Financial corruption, including by many banks, was exposed. Manufacturing continued to decline. Thatchers government attempted to reduce the power of local councils, which had been the means of delivery of many social services. As part of this effort, the Greater London Council was abolished. In 1984, Thatcher first met with Soviet reform leader Gorbachev. He may have been drawn to meet with her because her close relationship with President Reagan made her an attractive ally. Thatcher that same year survived an assassination attempt when the IRA bombed a hotel where a Conservative Party conference was held. Her stiff upper lip in responding calmly and quickly added to her popularity and image. In 1984 and 1985, Thatchers confrontation with the coal miners union led to a year-long strike which the union eventually lost. Thatcher used strikes in 1984 through 1988 as reasons to further restrict union power. In 1986, the European Union was created. Banking was affected by European Union rules, as German banks funded the East German economic rescue and revival. Thatcher began to pull Britain back from European unity. Thatchers defense minister Michael Heseltine resigned over her position. In 1987, with unemployment at 11%, Thatcher won a third term as prime minister- the first twentieth century UK prime minister to do so. This was a much less clear win, with 40% fewer Conservative seats in Parliament. Thatchers response was to become even more radical. Privatization of nationalized industries provided a short-term gain for the treasury, as the stock was sold to the public. Similar short-term gains were realized by selling state-owned housing to occupants, transforming many to private owners. A 1988 attempt to establish a poll tax was highly controversial, even within the Conservative Party. This was a flat rate tax, also called the community charge, with every citizen paying the same amount, with some rebates for the poor. The flat rate tax would replace property taxes which were based on the value of property owned. Local councils were given the power to levy the poll tax; Thatcher hoped that popular opinion would force these rates to be lower, and end Labour Party domination of the councils. Demonstrations against the poll tax in London and elsewhere sometimes turned violent. In 1989, Thatcher led a major overhaul of the finances of the National Health Service and accepted that Britain would be part of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. She continued to try to fight inflation through high interest rates, despite continued problems with high unemployment. A worldwide economic downturn aggravated economic problems for Britain. Conflict within the Conservative Party increased. Thatcher was not grooming a successor, though in 1990 she had become the prime minister with the longest continuous term in the UKs history since the early 19th century. By that time, not a single other cabinet member from 1979, when she was first elected, was still serving. Several, including Geoffrey Howe, the partys deputy leader, resigned in 1989 and 1990 over her policies. In November of 1990, Margaret Thatchers position as head of the party was challenged by Michael Heseltine, and thus a vote was called. Others joined the challenge. When Thatcher saw that she had failed on the first ballot, though none of her challengers won, she resigned as party head. John Major, who had been a Thatcherite, was elected in her place as prime minister. Margaret Thatcher had been prime minister for 11 years and 209 days. After Downing Street The month after Thatchers defeat, Queen Elizabeth II, with whom Thatcher had met weekly during her time as prime minister, appointed Thatcher a member of the exclusive Order of Merit, replacing the recently deceased Laurence Olivier. She granted Denis Thatcher a hereditary baronetcy, the last such title granted to anyone outside the royal family. Margaret Thatcher founded the Thatcher Foundation to continue to work for her radically conservative economic vision. She continued to travel and lecture, both within Britain and internationally. A regular theme was her criticism of the European Unions centralized power. Mark, one of the Thatcher twins, married in 1987. His wife was an heiress from Dallas, Texas. In 1989, the birth of Marks first child made Margaret Thatcher a grandmother. His daughter was born in 1993. In March 1991, US President George H. W. Bush awarded Margaret Thatcher the US Medal of Freedom. In 1992, Margaret Thatcher announced she would no longer run for her seat in Finchley. That year, she was made a life peer as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven, and thus served in the House of Lords. Margaret Thatcher worked on her memoirs in retirement. In 1993 she published The Downing Street Years 1979-1990 to tell her own story about her years as prime minister. In 1995, she published The Path to Power, to detail her own early life and early political career, before becoming prime minister. Both books were best-sellers. Carol Thatcher published a biography of her father, Denis Thatcher, in 1996. In 1998 Margaret and Denis son Mark was involved in scandals involving loan sharking in South Africa and US tax evasion. In 2002, Margaret Thatcher had several small strokes and gave up her lecture tours. She also published that year another book: Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World. Denis Thatcher survived a heart-bypass operation in early 2003, seeming to make a full recovery. Later that year, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died on June 26. Mark Thatcher inherited his fathers title and became known as Sir Mark Thatcher. In 2004 Mark was arrested in South Africa for attempting to assist in a coup in Equatorial Guinea. As a result of his guilty plea, he was given a large fine and suspended the sentence, and permitted to move in with his mother in London. Mark was unable to move to the United States where his wife and children moved after Marks arrest. Mark and his wife divorced in 2005 and both remarried others in 2008. Carol Thatcher, a freelance contributor to the BBC One program since 2005, lost that job in 2009 when she referred to an aboriginal tennis player as a golliwog, and refused to apologize for use of what was taken as a racial term. Carols 2008 book about her mother, A Swim-on Part in the Goldfish Bowl: A Memoir, dealt with Margaret Thatchers growing dementia. Thatcher was unable to attend a 2010 birthday party for her, organized by Prime Minister David Cameron, the wedding of Prince William to Catherine Middleton in 2011, or a ceremony unveiling a statue of Ronald Reagan outside the American Embassy later in 2011. When Sarah Palin told the press that she would visit Margaret Thatcher on a trip to London, Palin was advised that such a visit would not be possible. On July 31, 2011, Thatchers office in the House of Lords was closed, according to her son, Sir Mark Thatcher. She died on April 8, 2013, after suffering another stroke. The 2016 Brexit vote was described as a throwback to the Thatcher years. Prime Minister Theresa May, the second woman to serve as British prime minister, claimed inspiration by Thatcher but was seen as less committed to free markets and corporate power. In 2017, a German far-right leader claimed Thatcher as his role model. Background Father: Alfred Roberts, grocer, active in local community and politicsMother: Beatrice Ethel Stephenson RobertsSister: Muriel (born 1921) Education Huntingtower Road Primary SchoolKesteven and Grantham Girls SchoolSomerville College, Oxford Husband and Children Husband: Denis Thatcher, wealthy industrialist - married December 13, 1951Children: twins, born August 1953Mark ThatcherCarol Thatcher Bibliography Thatcher, Margaret.  The Downing Street Years.  1993.Thatcher, Margaret.  The Path to Power.  1995.Thatcher, Margaret.  The Collected Speeches of Margaret Thatcher. Robin Harris, editor. 1998.Thatcher, Margaret.  Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World.  2002.Thatcher, Carol.  A Swim-on Part in the Goldfish Bowl: A Memoir.  2008.Hughes, Libby.  Madam Prime Minister: A Biography of Margaret Thatcher.  2000.Ogden, Chris.  Maggie: An Intimate Portrait of a Woman in Power.  1990.Seldon, Anthony.  Britain Under Thatcher. 1999.Webster, Wendy.  Not a Man to Match Her: The Marketing of a Prime Minister.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Foster School of Business - University of Washington

Foster School of Business - University of Washington The Michael G. Foster School of Business is part of the University of Washington, a Seattle-based university that hosts one of the most respected medical schools in the world. Foster School of Business is a public business school that is the second oldest institution of management education on the West Coast. It is well-known for being consistently ranking among the best undergraduate and graduate business schools in the world. The school, which includes a number of newly constructed facilities, is housed on the main University of Washington campus. Address:  PACCAR Hall, Seattle, WA 98195Phone: 206-685-3400Website: Foster School of Business Academics What puts Foster above competing business schools is its world-class faculty and robust student experiences. Students can expect a quality business education and excellent preparation in areas like accounting, entrepreneurship, international business, and management. Traditional classroom studies are supplemented by structured student experiences like case competitions, consulting projects, international experiences, independent study, and internships. The career placement rate is also exceptional (nearly 100%), especially among MBA students. Foster School of Business Culture Foster School of Business prides itself on diversity, and this dedication to inclusiveness can be seen in the schools academic programs, student experiences, and relationships with area businesses and the community. Undergraduate Programs The undergraduate program at Foster School of Business awards a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (BABA). Students take a combination of general education, non-business, and business courses throughout the 180-credit program. Formal areas of study include accounting, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, information systems, and operations and supply chain management. Students can also customize their education by designing their own program. Undergraduate students can even earn certificates outside of the BABA program in areas like sales and international studies in business. MBA Programs Foster offers a range of MBA program options for students with every type of schedule and career goal: Full-time MBA - Two-year full-time programEvening MBA - Three-year part-time programExecutive MBA - 21-month program with two schedule optionsGlobal Executive MBA - 12-month full-time programTechnology Management MBA - 18-month work-compatible program Masters Programs For a student who would prefer a specialized masters to an MBA, Forster offers the following programs: Master of Professional Accounting - A three-quarter-long (September-June) professional program that prepares students to sit for the CPA exam  Master of Science in Information Systems - A one-year masters program with a focus on the role of information technology and IT solutionsMaster of Supply Chain Management - A one year masters program with a focus on global sourcing of goods and local distribution and fulfillment Other Programs Foster School of Business also offers executive education programs and a Ph.D. Program in Business Administration with specializations in accounting, finance, information systems, management, marketing, operations management, and technology entrepreneurship. Graduate-level students who dont want to earn a degree can complete certificate courses in entrepreneurship and global business. Foster School of Business Admissions Paths to admission to Foster vary depending on the program you are applying to. Applications are competitive at every level of education (undergraduate and graduate), but competition is especially fierce for the MBA program, which has a small entering class size (just over 100 students). Entering MBA students at Foster have an average of 5 years of work experience and an average GPA of 3.35. Read more about Foster admission requirements and application deadlines.

Friday, February 14, 2020

CRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

CRM - Essay Example Companies use BI in; surfacing new opportunities, cutting costs and identifying inefficient processes that need of re-engineering. Challenges that come with BI can be avoided if the data that are fed to BI application is clean and consistent. A good example of BI tool used worldwide is Microsoft Excel since it permits users to calculate, present and display numerical data; however, it is a poor BI tool (ZIFF DAVIS 2). Both large organizations and SMBs benefit from using BI technology. SMBs can greatly utilize low-cost, easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy BI options. Some examples are; desktop-analysis tools, quick-to-deploy software-as-a-service and scaled-down suites. BI tools become friendly to SMBs through novel technologies in the form of open source, Web 2.0 interface, new visualization technology and in-memory technology. The crucial BI-jargon are; analytics, benchmarking, Business performance management (BPM), predictive analytics, complex event processing, data mining and online analytical processing (OLAP) (ZIFF DAVIS 4). SMBs should take advantage of Business Intelligence. However, SMBs are challenged from achieving this dream becomes of slim technology budgets and limited IT support. To counter the above, some vendors have developed no cost and low-cost tools other vendors focus on midsize markets while big players provide scaled-down BI suites. BI tools are increasingly acquiring the characteristics of being affordable, fast to deploy and easy to use (ZIFF DAVIS

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Female Genital Mutilation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Female Genital Mutilation - Essay Example It can result in death through severe bleeding leading to haemorrhage shock, neurogenic shock as a result of pain and trauma and/or severe and overwhelming infection and septicaemia. It is routinely traumatic. Other harmful effects include: Failure to heal; abscess formation; cysts; excessive growth of scar tissue; urinary tract infection; scar neuroma; painful sexual intercourse; increased susceptibility to HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases; reproductive tract infection; pelvic inflammatory diseases; infertility; painful menstruation; chronic urinary tract obstruction/ bladder stones; urinary incontinence; obstructed labour and increased risk of bleeding and infection during childbirth. (Harrison 2001) Female genital mutilation/cutting is a fundamental violation of the rights of children and women as outlined in numerous international conventions, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. (WHO 2005) As a health professional who is culturally sensitive I would advise her to stick to her decision without fail. But she should make sure that she tries her level best to explain the medical complications of this procedure to her family members to the best of her ability rather just snubbing them by labelling them ignorant.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Alien and Sedition Act :: essays research papers

You are back in the year 1798, the government has just passed a law saying what ever they do and create it will be the standard. You have no say or any comment on it, because frankly they just don’t care. You are now placed back in the year 2001, would it be possible to apply a law of such magnitude to our society today? I don’t think so. Our country is based upon individual rights, we are allowed to say what we feel, and do what we want. It is what has shaped our country into what it is today. The saying rubber makes things perfect is one such example. It is a pliable material and can be formed or molded into whatever shapes you need it be. Just as our nation is today, it is pliable to our society’s needs. The Alien and Sedition Act demolished this moral standard by passing 4 acts that deny the power of people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States at this time was faced with such economic and political problems domestically. Such economic problems as a trade barrier created such turmoil. In the text it is described that Spain, England and France on conditions of trade by saying that â€Å"Immediately following the war, Britain, France, and Spain are all restricted from American trade with the colonial states.† Our nation was also faced with one such problem as debt. The wars and battles our great nation has gone through in the past has created such a debt at this point in time that is almost not comprehendible for any normal human. In order to regain a financial balance the federalist came up with 3 solutions. They created an executive cabinet made up of heads of departments and they created a Judiciary Act of 1789. The Judiciary Act allowed for laws to be declared unconstitutional and put power back at a National level instead of state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hamilton came up with 3 reports to also help out with the debt our nation was facing. His first report was upon Pubic Credit, it stated that the nation would consolidate the debt at a national and state level, paying off the debt in face value, and would shift the power to the National Government. In Hamilton’s second report, he continued to set apart and distinguish between lower class and the aristocracy of the nation. Hamilton accomplished his separation by instating the First Bank of the United States.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fragment – Changes In Life

Incidents occur in one’s life daily. Most of the time people enjoy talking about â€Å"what happened today† because most of the time it’s usually funny and it isn’t really considered anything serious. Some happenings in our lives are very serious and aren’t as easy to talk about with others. Even though this is true it does help the person feel better to talk about their problems whether they realize it at first or not. Changes in life like these can change you both physically and mentally for the rest of your life depending on the severity of the situation. In early August of `96 my life at home became a living nightmare. I don’t really know what it was that started this thing between me and my parents but I do remember that they were always doing anything they could to just annoy me. I doubt this was intentional but at the time it seemed that it was. They would find any excuse to yell or blame me for things that didn’t even involve me and they wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say at all. They were right and I was wrong, that’s the long and the short of it. It got so bad that I hated being home. I would do anything and go anywhere just to get away from my parents; even if it meant going somewhere that I had always hated going before. When I couldn’t get out of the house I tried my best to stay in my room and keep the door closed. When they decided that they didn’t want me in my room where they couldn’t fuss at me they came up with this big idea that I was trying to hide something from them. They must have spent a lot of time trying to decide what I was trying to hide because they came up with the only halfway smart thing I had heard from them in almost a month. They had decided that I was smoking. Too bad for them; they were wrong. Until their accusation, I hadn’t touched a cigarette but after that I did. I spent countless hours thinking about the things that were going on with my life. For almost a whole month I thought about ending my life and my problems, I thought about how I could â€Å"fix† my life by getting away from the house legally, and I wondered what their reasoning for doing this to me was. I finally decided that the smart thing to do would be just do something to get away from them legally but my next question was how then I got a tip as I was scanning through the newspaper one evening. I was going to get a job and that would keep me away from home. I applied to the first ad I saw in the paper and strangely enough, I actually got a call from Ramada Inn in less than 3 days after applying. I went to 2 interviews and apparently passed with flying colors because I got the job about a week later. After working there for about 2 or three weeks the things happening at home had came to and end but I had finally gotten my first taste of real life with my job and it wasn’t too sweet. To tell the truth it was terrible. I found out the real reason they hired me. It wasn’t because I was so qualified or whatever, it was because the place couldn’t get anyone to work. The reason for that was the boss was a real pain in the rear. So now, I didn’t have to worry about problems at home; I now had to worry about problems at work but at least I was getting paid for putting up with their crap. I guess that’s the price you have to pay and for me getting a job and getting rid of the problems at home ended up saving my life. In my lifetime I have seen a lot of weird things and have had lots of experiences that have changed my life in one way or another and I’m sure that there are going to be lots more of them to come but these that really stand out in my mind are mainly because they happened quite recently. In my mind, I know that I am lucky that these â€Å"happenings† did only affect me mentally and didn’t go as far as to affect me physically because had they succeeded, I probably wouldn’t be here today. I know now that it would have only been a long term solution to a short term problem but at the time it seemed like suicide was going to be my only way out. I began getting very frustrated with the events going on in my life and just wanted to end them all. Looking back on what I thought at the time, I am glad now that I just kept telling myself subconsciously things would get better with time. The thing is, the resolution of my problems took longer than I wanted them to. I’d say that if these problems both with my family life and my so called â€Å"work life† had continued much longer, I would have disregarded anything my friends had told me and that I had told myself about things getting better and would have ended my life as you and I know it. You know, the more I think about it in writing this, the more I believe that I probably wouldn’t have ended it totally because I seem to have really bad luck. You may ask what this has to do with anything but I figure that if I had tried to kill myself, I would have ended up being found and taken to a doctor and they were able to save my life but I would have ended up being a vegetable but knowing some people, they probably think I’m a vegetable already.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

India And Pakist An Ideal Comparative Pair Essay - 1746 Words

In 1947, India and Pakistan became newly independent states, leaving behind British colonial rule. Due to the shared geographical location, background and culture between these nations, these two countries have often been compared against each other. However, since earning independence, India and Pakistan have undergone significantly different political trajectories. This paper will explore various factors that have impacted the nation-building of these countries and understand why India has been successful in practicing democracy, while Pakistan has been afflicted with military and autocratic governments. India and Pakistan share cultures and histories yet have stark differences in political regime type, making an ideal comparative pair for inquiry. Historical Narrative Oldenburg describes India and Pakistan as â€Å"fraternal twins† due to their shared levels of extreme poverty and extreme inequality in 1947. However, the struggle to be free of British rule was distinct which set a vital precedent for the subsequent regimes of Pakistan and India. The British withdrawal was hasty due to their realization they could no longer afford to hold on to its over-extended empire. One of the main reasons for the creation of a separate Muslim nation in the Indian subcontinent was due to the conflicting religious views of Hindus and Muslims. These issues had existed prior to British colonial rule, however the differences were exacerbated by British policy. Britain as a colonizer, followed