Friday, February 14, 2020

CRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

CRM - Essay Example Companies use BI in; surfacing new opportunities, cutting costs and identifying inefficient processes that need of re-engineering. Challenges that come with BI can be avoided if the data that are fed to BI application is clean and consistent. A good example of BI tool used worldwide is Microsoft Excel since it permits users to calculate, present and display numerical data; however, it is a poor BI tool (ZIFF DAVIS 2). Both large organizations and SMBs benefit from using BI technology. SMBs can greatly utilize low-cost, easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy BI options. Some examples are; desktop-analysis tools, quick-to-deploy software-as-a-service and scaled-down suites. BI tools become friendly to SMBs through novel technologies in the form of open source, Web 2.0 interface, new visualization technology and in-memory technology. The crucial BI-jargon are; analytics, benchmarking, Business performance management (BPM), predictive analytics, complex event processing, data mining and online analytical processing (OLAP) (ZIFF DAVIS 4). SMBs should take advantage of Business Intelligence. However, SMBs are challenged from achieving this dream becomes of slim technology budgets and limited IT support. To counter the above, some vendors have developed no cost and low-cost tools other vendors focus on midsize markets while big players provide scaled-down BI suites. BI tools are increasingly acquiring the characteristics of being affordable, fast to deploy and easy to use (ZIFF DAVIS

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