Friday, January 24, 2020

Alien and Sedition Act :: essays research papers

You are back in the year 1798, the government has just passed a law saying what ever they do and create it will be the standard. You have no say or any comment on it, because frankly they just don’t care. You are now placed back in the year 2001, would it be possible to apply a law of such magnitude to our society today? I don’t think so. Our country is based upon individual rights, we are allowed to say what we feel, and do what we want. It is what has shaped our country into what it is today. The saying rubber makes things perfect is one such example. It is a pliable material and can be formed or molded into whatever shapes you need it be. Just as our nation is today, it is pliable to our society’s needs. The Alien and Sedition Act demolished this moral standard by passing 4 acts that deny the power of people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States at this time was faced with such economic and political problems domestically. Such economic problems as a trade barrier created such turmoil. In the text it is described that Spain, England and France on conditions of trade by saying that â€Å"Immediately following the war, Britain, France, and Spain are all restricted from American trade with the colonial states.† Our nation was also faced with one such problem as debt. The wars and battles our great nation has gone through in the past has created such a debt at this point in time that is almost not comprehendible for any normal human. In order to regain a financial balance the federalist came up with 3 solutions. They created an executive cabinet made up of heads of departments and they created a Judiciary Act of 1789. The Judiciary Act allowed for laws to be declared unconstitutional and put power back at a National level instead of state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hamilton came up with 3 reports to also help out with the debt our nation was facing. His first report was upon Pubic Credit, it stated that the nation would consolidate the debt at a national and state level, paying off the debt in face value, and would shift the power to the National Government. In Hamilton’s second report, he continued to set apart and distinguish between lower class and the aristocracy of the nation. Hamilton accomplished his separation by instating the First Bank of the United States.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fragment – Changes In Life

Incidents occur in one’s life daily. Most of the time people enjoy talking about â€Å"what happened today† because most of the time it’s usually funny and it isn’t really considered anything serious. Some happenings in our lives are very serious and aren’t as easy to talk about with others. Even though this is true it does help the person feel better to talk about their problems whether they realize it at first or not. Changes in life like these can change you both physically and mentally for the rest of your life depending on the severity of the situation. In early August of `96 my life at home became a living nightmare. I don’t really know what it was that started this thing between me and my parents but I do remember that they were always doing anything they could to just annoy me. I doubt this was intentional but at the time it seemed that it was. They would find any excuse to yell or blame me for things that didn’t even involve me and they wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say at all. They were right and I was wrong, that’s the long and the short of it. It got so bad that I hated being home. I would do anything and go anywhere just to get away from my parents; even if it meant going somewhere that I had always hated going before. When I couldn’t get out of the house I tried my best to stay in my room and keep the door closed. When they decided that they didn’t want me in my room where they couldn’t fuss at me they came up with this big idea that I was trying to hide something from them. They must have spent a lot of time trying to decide what I was trying to hide because they came up with the only halfway smart thing I had heard from them in almost a month. They had decided that I was smoking. Too bad for them; they were wrong. Until their accusation, I hadn’t touched a cigarette but after that I did. I spent countless hours thinking about the things that were going on with my life. For almost a whole month I thought about ending my life and my problems, I thought about how I could â€Å"fix† my life by getting away from the house legally, and I wondered what their reasoning for doing this to me was. I finally decided that the smart thing to do would be just do something to get away from them legally but my next question was how then I got a tip as I was scanning through the newspaper one evening. I was going to get a job and that would keep me away from home. I applied to the first ad I saw in the paper and strangely enough, I actually got a call from Ramada Inn in less than 3 days after applying. I went to 2 interviews and apparently passed with flying colors because I got the job about a week later. After working there for about 2 or three weeks the things happening at home had came to and end but I had finally gotten my first taste of real life with my job and it wasn’t too sweet. To tell the truth it was terrible. I found out the real reason they hired me. It wasn’t because I was so qualified or whatever, it was because the place couldn’t get anyone to work. The reason for that was the boss was a real pain in the rear. So now, I didn’t have to worry about problems at home; I now had to worry about problems at work but at least I was getting paid for putting up with their crap. I guess that’s the price you have to pay and for me getting a job and getting rid of the problems at home ended up saving my life. In my lifetime I have seen a lot of weird things and have had lots of experiences that have changed my life in one way or another and I’m sure that there are going to be lots more of them to come but these that really stand out in my mind are mainly because they happened quite recently. In my mind, I know that I am lucky that these â€Å"happenings† did only affect me mentally and didn’t go as far as to affect me physically because had they succeeded, I probably wouldn’t be here today. I know now that it would have only been a long term solution to a short term problem but at the time it seemed like suicide was going to be my only way out. I began getting very frustrated with the events going on in my life and just wanted to end them all. Looking back on what I thought at the time, I am glad now that I just kept telling myself subconsciously things would get better with time. The thing is, the resolution of my problems took longer than I wanted them to. I’d say that if these problems both with my family life and my so called â€Å"work life† had continued much longer, I would have disregarded anything my friends had told me and that I had told myself about things getting better and would have ended my life as you and I know it. You know, the more I think about it in writing this, the more I believe that I probably wouldn’t have ended it totally because I seem to have really bad luck. You may ask what this has to do with anything but I figure that if I had tried to kill myself, I would have ended up being found and taken to a doctor and they were able to save my life but I would have ended up being a vegetable but knowing some people, they probably think I’m a vegetable already.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

India And Pakist An Ideal Comparative Pair Essay - 1746 Words

In 1947, India and Pakistan became newly independent states, leaving behind British colonial rule. Due to the shared geographical location, background and culture between these nations, these two countries have often been compared against each other. However, since earning independence, India and Pakistan have undergone significantly different political trajectories. This paper will explore various factors that have impacted the nation-building of these countries and understand why India has been successful in practicing democracy, while Pakistan has been afflicted with military and autocratic governments. India and Pakistan share cultures and histories yet have stark differences in political regime type, making an ideal comparative pair for inquiry. Historical Narrative Oldenburg describes India and Pakistan as â€Å"fraternal twins† due to their shared levels of extreme poverty and extreme inequality in 1947. However, the struggle to be free of British rule was distinct which set a vital precedent for the subsequent regimes of Pakistan and India. The British withdrawal was hasty due to their realization they could no longer afford to hold on to its over-extended empire. One of the main reasons for the creation of a separate Muslim nation in the Indian subcontinent was due to the conflicting religious views of Hindus and Muslims. These issues had existed prior to British colonial rule, however the differences were exacerbated by British policy. Britain as a colonizer, followed