Tuesday, December 31, 2019

5 Ways to Express Fear in Spanish

The two most common ways of saying to fear or to be afraid in Spanish are the verb temer and the phrase tener miedo. Note, however, that this verb and verb phrase arent used in exactly the same way as their English equivalents. Phrases for Expressing Fear Temer is typically followed by: The preposition a and a noun. (No temo a las pelà ­culas de terror. I am not afraid of horror movies.) Sometimes the verb is preceded by a redundant indirect object pronoun. (No le tememos a nadie. Were not afraid of anybody.)The preposition por. (Teme por la seguridad de los detenidos en Cuba. He fears for the safety of the prisoners in Cuba.)The subordinate conjunction que. (Temen que el caos se extienda a los territorios ocupados. They are afraid that the chaos will extend to the occupied territories.) Note that, as in the example, the clause following temer que is usually in the subjunctive mood. (Temerse has a much milder meaning than to fear and frequently is followed by verb in the indicative mood. (Me temo que va a nevar. I am concerned it is going to snow.)An infinitive. (Temen salir de la rutina. They are afraid to quit their routine.) Tener miedo is typically followed by: The preposition a. (Sà ³lo tengo miedo a una cosa. I am afraid of just one thing.)The preposition de. (Todos buscamos à ©xito y tenemos miedo del fracaso. We are all looking for success and we are all afraid of failure.)The preposition por. (Fresita tiene miedo por lo que opinarà ¡ su madre. Fresita fears for what her mother will say.)The conjunction que or phrase de que, usually followed by a clause in the subjunctive mood. (Tiene miedo que su hermana muera. He is afraid that his sister is dying. Tengo miedo de que aparezca otra chica en tu vida. Im afraid another girl will appear in your life.) Phrases that can be used in a way similar to tener miedo are tener aprensià ³n, tener temor and, less commonly, tener susto. In Spanish it is also common to express the idea of being a recipient of fear. (Me da susto las araà ±as. I am deathly afraid of spiders.  ¿Te metià ³ miedo la clase? Did the class scare you?)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Medical Errors And The Medical Error - 1595 Words

People go to the hospital when they are in need of medical care when sick or physically hurt, expecting to get well and return to loved ones. Unfortunately health care is not safe in the United States. There are cases where people get worse because of an honest mistake, or because something has gone wrong in consequence of a medical error. Medical errors may be perceived as a well-organized plan that has gone wrong or even getting the opposite results of what was expected. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) an average of 98,000 deaths are caused by medical errors in the United Stated each year, generating many methods to prevent malpractice and reduce numbers of deaths. Malpractice is defined by three components: recognize that care was not met, harm has been done to the patient, and that harm was a result of the failure to meet the standard of care (Berlinger, 2005). The IOM specifies what is considered a medical error; physicians who ignores the procedures that are meant to protect patients from errors, or physicians who perform procedures for which they are not trained in and do not perform the procedure the properly. These medical errors lead to malpractice. An article by the IOM released in 1999 titled â€Å"To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health†. In this article the IOM reported a 50% reduction in medical errors over 5 years. The goal of this article was improve patient safety by advocating the importance of patient safety. In response the health careShow MoreRelatedIs Medical Errors A Medical Error? Essay1700 Words   |  7 PagesIn part one of this assignment, we took a closer look at medical errors, including why errors occur, and what is considered to be a medical error. In the busy clinical setting, nurses are often interrupted by phone calls, patients, and even other staff members. Research shows that medical errors are now one of the top three leading causes of death within the United States, therefore it is time to work on addressing this problem (Daniel, 2016). Theory in nursing provide the â€Å"basis of understandingRead MoreMedication Errors Common Type Of Medical Error1231 Words   |  5 PagesMedication error s commonly occur in healthcare facilities. According to the Joint Commission, these medication errors are believed to be the most common type of medical error and are a significant cause of preventable adverse events (The Joint Commission, 2008). Many experts agree with the research that medication errors have the potential to cause harm within the pediatric population about three times as higher than in the adult population. This is due to medication dosing errors that are weight-basedRead MorePolicy History : Medical Errors1034 Words   |  5 PagesPolicy History Medical errors in the United States has been an intense topic of interest for politicians, researchers, and the general public alike for a number of years now. Concern about medical errors grew in the US following the release of â€Å"To ERR is Human: Building a safer Health System† report issued by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). This apprehension most noticeably started during the Clinton administration; IOM released their groundbreaking report in 1999 during the Clinton administrationRead MoreMedical Errors And Health Care2169 Words   |  9 Pagespeople enter some type of health care facility seeking medical treatment. They go to these places because they trust the physicians, nurses, and all other medical personnel are there to provide them with adequate, quality care with hopes that they will be discharged in a healthier state. Inadvertently, each day millions of people entering these facilities and experiencing more complications than expected due to some type of medi cal error. Medical errors are becoming more and more frequent every day andRead MoreMedical Errors And Its Effects On Healthcare1468 Words   |  6 Pagesresponsibilities in their healthcare facility, they often find it hard not to make any errors in the services they provide. Healthcare providers have so many tasks that sometimes they might forget something, confuse their patients, or give the wrong medication. Since medical errors are inevitable, a plan that will help reduce medical errors. A few of the actions that can be put into effect to reduce medical errors can be doing things such as creating a training session program, creating a rewardingRead MoreHealth Care For Medical Errors804 Words   |  4 Pagesapproach. This is in part due to reimbursement model changes regarding patient outcomes as well as ethical concerns about the large number of preventable errors that continue to occur in our current system (Sachs, 2015). Between 210,000 and 400,000 deaths happen yearly due to medical errors in addition to approximately 4,000,000 to 8,000,000 errors that cause serious harm. It is clear that high costs are not providing excelling results. As our current system continues to shift in this value-based directionRead MoreMedical Errors And Health Care2161 Words   |  9 Pagespeople enter some type of health care facility seeking medical treatment. They go to these places because they trust the physicians, nurses, and all other medical personnel are there to provide them with adequate, quality care with hopes that they will be discharged in a healthier state. Inadvertently, each day millions of people entering these facilities and experiencing more complications than expected due to some type of medical error. Medical errors are becoming more and more frequent every day andRead MoreMedical Errors And Unsafe Care Harm1319 Words   |  6 PagesMedical errors and unsafe care harm and kill thousands of Americans each year. Approximately two million healthcare- associated infections occur annually in the United States, accounting for an estimated 90,000 deaths and more than $4.5 billion in hospital healthcare costs (Patient Safety, 2015). Safety is one of the six competencies the QSEN faculty and National Advisory Board explained to be initiated in nursing pre-licensure programs in order to increase the quality and safety of healthcare systemsRead MoreMedical Errors1004 Words   |  5 PagesMedical errors have adverse effect on health care organization structure because it put a question mark on health profession’s reputation. The medical error definitely can cause harm to the patient or even the death. Medical errors can happen anywhere in healthcare system: in hospitals, clinics, surgery rooms. Medical mistakes can arise from doctors, nurses, surgeons, hospital administration, and many others. Medical errors affect the health care organizational structure, culture, and social inRead MoreMedical Error1170 Words   |  5 PagesMe dical Error: What the Public Should Know â€Å"For all of its strengths, our health care system still is plagued by avoidable errors.† -President Bill Clinton The issue of medical error is recognized as a very serious U.S. healthcare concern in terms of avoidable patient death and injury, achieving efficacious treatment, and in controlling the costs. The prevention of medical errors may seem to be a relatively simple task and with recent awareness, some improvements have been accomplished.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Likely Impact of MIS on the Global Glass Industry Free Essays

Likely Future Impacts of MIS on the Glass Industry China looks set to dominate various markets in the near future (Hughes, M (2011) Week 3 â€Å"IS in a Changing World†, MS102, National University of Ireland Galway, unpublished) The glass industry should be a target for them. China is the best in the world for glass production and consumption. China’s flat glass production accounts for 40 per cent of the world today, which is about 38 million tons per year, and the processed glass industry is improving quickly. We will write a custom essay sample on Likely Impact of MIS on the Global Glass Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Wenyi, M. O Professor of the Chinese Ceramic Society, â€Å"Review and Prospect of the Glass Industry in China†) According to incomplete statistics from 2004, the production scale of insulated glass reached 130 million square metres, and production amounted to 45 million square metres. China’s glass machinery sector has become a new boom industry, and although the Chinese glass industry has made great steps, there is still a large gap between China and advanced countries abroad. China’s flat glass industry consumes more natural resources, energy costs are higher, technology and equipment levels are relatively low, product mix is not feasible, and the processed glass ratio is low. There are lots of manufacturers, but the production scale is small, industry concentration is low, and research and development capitalization is weak. (Wenyi, M. O Professor of the Chinese Ceramic Society, â€Å"Review and Prospect of the Glass Industry in China†). Innovations in future technology within the glass industry are going to be vital for firms within the industry to utilize if they are going to stay competitive taking into consideration the probable advancement of the Chinese Industry. The US glass industry alone spends 1. billion a year on energy and (energy costs) accounts for 14% of the cost of production (Ernest Worrel et al 2008). This leaves huge scope for firms to enable energy saving and thus cost saving technology. A report entitled â€Å"Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Glass Industry† an Energy Star Guide for Energy and Plant Managers by Ernst Worrell, Christina Galitsky, Eric Masanet, and Wina Graus we can clear ly see that these cost saving technologies are either there to be utilized by firms within the industry or are very near to that stage. Oscillating combustion is currently being tested by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI). This technology forces the oscillation of the burner fuel to create successive, fuel-rich and fuel-lean zones within the flame. It also reduces NOx emissions. Reported fuels savings are 2 to 5% and reduced NOx emissions 30 to 50%. The Segmented Melter works as the batch is melted in an electric melter, after which the cullet is added in a separate oxy-fuel fired melter. Although on the plus side emissions will be lowered maintenance to the seg-melter is high as it only has a useful life of 15 years and requires repairs at least once every 3 years. However, there is interest in future improvements of the seg-melter to develop a more energy-efficient glass melting process (TNO, The Netherlands; Alfred University, New York). Under development by Tamglass, Finland, a new HSCâ„ ¢ high-speed convection heater transfers more of the heat by convection (over 50%) using a lengthwise system of heating elements in the furnace. Tamglass claims production increases of as much as 40%, lower energy costs, and increased process reliability (Tamglass 2003). Limited steam use in the glass production process limits the use of cogeneration or combined heat and power generation in the glass industry. An alternative may be the use of an air-bottoming cycle. The average energy savings were estimated at 10% with an estimated payback periods of 3 to 4 years (at price conditions in The Netherlands). The recycling of in-house glass waste is challenging as impurities in the waste material often leads to a high rate of filament breakage in fiber forming processes. It has been estimated that around 260,000 tons of glass waste are generated each year in US. and that in-house recycling of this waste would save the US glass industry over $7 million per year in avoided nergy and waste disposal costs (ANL 2003). Argonne National Laboratory has developed a glass fiber recycling process based on thermal treatment that is estimated to have a potential payback period of 2 years. One method that firms within the glass industry could do to increase productivity, efficiency and increased profits is to employ improved Information Systems by bringing in Siemens or other specialists to review their proc esses in the near future as Siemens offer services that will improve IS and reduce energy costs. As a reduction in energy usage and improved production processes will reduce the cost of production firms can benefit in not only the long run but the short to medium term as well. Practically the likes of Waterford Wedgewood and Galway Crystal have been in the business of glass production for centuries and therefore may be unlikely/unwilling to let in outsiders to review their processes new firms in the industry may see it as an ideal way to increase their competitiveness in the market reasonably quickly. For it’s customers in the glass industry, Siemens offers a package of services to analyze and optimize energy consumption of plant. They will bring in specialists to examine the production lines for weak points, develop suitable counter measures and, where necessary, also supply the appropriate financing concepts. In many cases, just improving the exploitation of existing equipment will lead to considerable savings. Siemens also offers services that will achieve projected ongoing energy savings of three to five percent per year over the next five to six years. (Optimum use Energy solutions for the glass industry from Siemens) How to cite Likely Impact of MIS on the Global Glass Industry, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

None Provided4 Essay Summary Example For Students

None Provided4 Essay Summary Rainforests are the world’s richest and most productive ecosystems, containing half of all living species on the planet. Yet many of these rainforest are destroyed every year. If there is something in the world so full of life and sheer beauty then why do we continue to destroy what is already there? Catholics have been among those slow to realize you cannot forever trash anything without paying the consequences. We have been polluting the oceans, depleting topsoils, junking hazardous wastes, opening ozone holes in the atmosphere, and throwing millions of tons of carbon into the air. Planet Earth is hurting; some say it is dying, if it goes so do its inhabitants. All Christians and non-Christians need to be engaged in some serious examination of conscience here. The rainforest is very important to the world for many reasons, most of them being very simple. One major reason is that the plants in the forest turn carbon dioxide into clean air, which helps to fight pollution. Also by absorbing carbon dioxide, the rainforests help deter the greenhouse effect. The plants and animals that can be found within the rainforest can provide us with food, fuel wood, shelter, jobs and medicine. Traditionally there were three major causes of destruction to the rainforest: farming, ranching and logging. Farmers in the rainforest countries are often poor and cannot afford to buy land. Instead, the farmers clear the rainforest to grow their crops. Because the tropical rainforest soil is so poor in nutrients, farmers cannot reuse the same land year after year. In the years to follow the farmers just clear more land, destroying the forest piece by piece. Ranching also causes destruction of the rainforests. Ranchers clear large areas of rainforest to become pastures for their cattle. This land does not cost them very much, so they can sell cattle at low prices. This in turn is all very profitable, ranchers continue to clear rainforest land so they can raise and sell more cattle. The third major traditional reason for destruction of the rainforest is logging. Trees from the rainforest are used for building houses, making furniture and providing pulp for paper products, such as newspaper and magazines. Rainforest that was chopped down can grow back over time, but they will never have the same variety of plants and animals they once did. In many recent years people have become more aware of the damage being done in rainforests across the world. This sudden awareness has helped in the development of many organizations focused on preserving rainforest ecosystems. Two examples these organizations are the Tropical Rainforest Coalition and the Rainforest Foundation US. The Tropical Rainforest Coalition believes that â€Å"individuals are the ones who can truly make a difference.†This organization was established in 1991 during World rainforest Week and is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that has made a significant impact on the preservation of rainforests. The Tropical Rainforest Coalition builds coalition between individuals, corporations, businesses, learning institutions and non-governmental organizations seeking to reverse â€Å"the unsustainable use of the rainforest.†The mission of the Tropical Rainforest Coalition is to preserve the tropical rainforest ecosystems at the local level through enabling volunteerism and through community education, and at the international level through technical and financial support for recognized organizations involved in the conservation of the tropical rainforests. The Rainforest Foundation US was founded by a vision of two people. These two people saw what was happening to the Amazon rainforest because of a man named Raoni. Raoni, the chief of the Menkragnoti Kayapo tribe, had wanted to vocalize his people’s troubles and in doing so protect their homeland in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The two people whom heard this were Trudie Tyler and Sting. The two of them together provided a vision and took Raoni’s story to the world and made millions of people aware of the looming ecological and cultural disaster that faced not only Raoni’s people but also the entire world. The mission of the Rainforest Foundation is â€Å"to support the igneous people and traditional populations of the world rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfill their rights by assisting them in various areas.†One way in which they were to receive assistance was in â€Å"securing and controlling the natural resources n ecessary for their long term well being and managing these resources in way which do not harm their environment, violate their culture or compromise their future.†The organization also provided assistance in â€Å"the development of the means to protect their individual and collective right and obtain shape and control basic services from the state.† While there have been many organizations created to help save the rainforests, many individuals collectively have done their part as well. For example, an isolated community on the island of Java in Indonesia is the tackling the destruction of the rainforest by planting rice crops on the same land as fast growing trees. The Baduy people of Java regard to the small pocket of rainforest they live in as â€Å"sacred.†In order to protect their land they have made a rare concession to outsiders and have accepted to plant trees, known as Albassieh. The Albassieh tree is a legume, and like other legume it soaks up nitrogen from the air and returns it to the soil so that the land can be re-used for crops. The Baduy people have traditionally resisted agricultural modernization or interaction with outsiders and have also refused the threat to their land has prompted them to do this. .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 , .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .postImageUrl , .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 , .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8:hover , .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8:visited , .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8:active { border:0!important; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8:active , .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8 .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u018db4391d82a6b414484b3697af02e8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Proposal For A Senior Employment Agency EssayThere have been organizations, as well as, individuals who have helped in the fight against the destruction of the rainforest. However, there have also been individuals and business that have not helped the problem but contributed to it. One example of this is the Canadian company known as BC lumber that destroys the Canadian rainforest every year for product supplies. BC lumber does business with companies all over the world. These companies include Xerox, Kinkos, 3M, Cristol-Myers_Squibb, BQ, Do-It-All, Magnet Stores, BBC magazines, Schwank (Germany) and Sainsburys/Homebase (UK). However, many of these companies have decided to move away from BC lumber â€Å"due to environmental concerns.†They have also issued statements in their intent not to purchase from them as well. Notable companies that have refused to act on these concerns are Home Depot and two subsidiaries of chemical giant Hoechst AG-Celanese (US) and Clariant (Switzerland). There is an old saying â€Å"if your not apart of the solution your apart of the problem,† well Bob Hasan fits that statement quite well. Mohammad â€Å"Bob† Hasan did more damage to Indonesia’s rainforests that any other single individual. His actions in the past have included â€Å"ignoring environmental and conservation laws that limited and mananaged to clear cutting of the tropical rainforests.†Hasan believes that he is the â€Å"king of the jungle,† and his economic standing continues to grow so Hasan’s views and actions may never change. The sad reality is that destruction of the rainforests continues at an alarming rate. Throughout the tropics, forests are logged for precious hardwoods. Others are burned to make way for large-scale farming or cattle raising operations. Topical rainforests once covered more than fourteen percent of the Earth’s land area. They now amount to less than six percent. At the current rates of destruction only a few tattered forests will remain in the next century. Bibliography: