Thursday, October 31, 2019

What is the purpose of government in the United States Essay

What is the purpose of government in the United States - Essay Example Seeking to explore the purpose of the US government with respect to the roles that it plays in the modern 21st century, the following will argue that there are many roles for the government of the United States. These include the promotion and continuation of democratic governance, economic development, the provision of social services, promoting justice and securing the nation from outside threat. All of the functions are inherent to the purpose of the United States. We now turn to an exploration of the government of the United States of America and its role as the torchbearer of democracy (Almond et al, 101-102). . One of the most important functions of the government of the United States is the promotion of liberal democracy. In a liberal democratic society, power rests with the people. Liberal democracy can be characterized by free and fair elections, universal suffrage and a plural society in which power is transferred through peaceful political means. Accordingly, stability in much of the world is defined as the establishment of both democracy and democratic rules of governance. By giving everyone a voice at the ballot, the argument follows that the political regime which gains power will be perceived as being legitimate and the result will be political stability. Accordingly, the role of the United States government is to ensure that political power is transferred through peaceful means and that political contiguity is maintained through the democratic system. As an entrenched cultural value of the United States, the promotion of liberal democracy is an important task for the government o f the United States. The promotion of economic development is another responsibility for the government of the United States. As a society with a capitalist economic system, the government of the United manages the economic system while understanding the importance of free

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Lost City Essay Example for Free

The Lost City Essay â€Å"The Lost City† is a movie which tackles the situation of Cuba during the time of the pre-revolution up to the time of Fidel Castro. The setting is in Havana in the year 1958, and the story is about Fico Fellove, the main character portrayed by Andy Garcia. Fico is the owner of the night club called El Tropico, which is known to be one of the classiest clubs in Havana at that time. This presentation of Havana depicted the economic and social status enjoyed by the Cubans before the outbreak of the revolution. Cuba then was one of the more advanced countries in Latin America with a low mortality rate, and high literacy rate. Being a small country with a relatively small population, Cuba was one of the most highly-educated races in the region with a rich gold reserve and abundant natural resources. Everything looked promising for the country until the rebels slowly gained more and more adherents because of the dictatorship led by Fulgencio Batista, the president of Cuba during the said year. Fico’s club is doing well at the beginning of the movie, and everything seems to be peaceful and harmonious. At Sunday dinners, Fico’s family would all gather at their family house to spend time to bond together and catch up on each other’s lives. During this Sunday dinner, however, tension would rise as one of Fico’s brothers, Ricardo, would bring up the idea of revolution as a response to the increasing political unrest in Cuba. Ricardo believed in the revolutionary ideology and becomes part of the rebels who would go against the government forces. Another brother, Luis, is randomly arrested for publicizing anti-government sentiments. Meanwhile, Fico still tried to remain as neutral as possible. The aforementioned situations are reflective of Cuba’s situation immediately before the revolution. The arrests were made in an effort to quell civilian unrest or possibly to strike fear on those who are contemplating on following the rebel ideology. Social and economic conditions declined as a result of these uprisings as the political instability in the country continued to worsen. Soon, however, Fulgencio Batista realizes that his government’s future was bleak so he says goodbye to Cuba and flees to the Dominican Republic leaving the country in turmoil. On the second week of 1959, Fidel Castro assumes the presidency and another dictatorship ascends to power. Both events – the fleeing of Batista and the assumption of Castro are shown in the movie. Luis is killed by pro-Batista forces. Aurora, the wife of Luis, finds a shoulder-to-cry-on in Fico, and eventually, they fall in love. On the other hand, Ricardo moves on to become one of the high-ranking leaders of Fidel de Castro. The new dictatorship under Castro is more eager to assume power and control over the economy so they grab lands, businesses and property in the guise of saying that it was for the government, which actually took place and is manifested in Cuba’s historical records. Fico’s club is slowly taken control of and the tobacco farm of their uncle is taken by force by no less than Ricardo himself. His uncle tries to assert his rights over his land and dies as a result of his anger against Ricardo. Ricardo goes to his uncle’s funeral rites, gets a reprimand from every member of the family, is labeled a â€Å"disgrace† by his father and eventually commits suicide. With the increasing tension in Cuba, Fico’s father suggests that he (Fico) should leave immediately before it was too late, since their family had already seen too much loss. With much hesitation, Fico agrees to his father’s suggestion and he goes to the U. S. to seek refuge. Fico leaves a ticket for Aurora, but she does not show up at the airport. At first, Fico gets employed as a dishwasher at a club, then later on as the pianist. Aurora finally shows up in the US when Fico is already regaining his self-worth and enjoying his freedom. It is only when he is called upon by Meyer Lansky (Dustin Hoffman) to operate the â€Å"Fico’s El Tropico† club in New York that Fico truly recovers the happiness he thought he had already lost. The situation in Cuba has not changed much after Castro became the country’s leader and has remained almost the same since then. Education and healthcare have become government priorities but the curtailment of people’s freedom of expression as well as the harassment of anti-government proponents still persists. The country is still under a socialist government, or adheres to communism and it continues to maintain anti-U. S. sentiments as a result of Castro’s predominant leanings. As a whole, the movie â€Å"The Lost City† captured the overall scenario of the Cuban situation during the period tackled. It is a movie which is worth watching because it accurately represents the revolution and its possible effects on a specific family, in this case, the Fellove family. It also tackles the theme of love and how it can succeed despite all odds. Notes

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes

Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Project Title A study into solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.2 Problem Statement Malaysia has favourable climatic conditions for the development of solar energy due to the abundant sunshine and is considered good for harnessing energy from the sun. This is because solar hot water can represent the large energy consumer in Malaysia households. But, because of the high initial cost of solar water heating system, and easily to install and relatively inexpensive to purchase electric water heaters, many Malaysia families are still suing electric water heaters to hot their water needs. This research is presented the comparing of solar water heating system from Malaysian’s market with the electric water heater by study the initial cost, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for both systems. The most important is to compare the long term economical benefits for both systems. 1.3 Aims To study solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.4 Objectives To determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system To investigate the popularity of solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes To compare the initial cost, price, durability, and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater 1.5 Background Every day, we are heard with information about global warming, global pollution, wars over energy resources, species depletion†¦the lists go and on. Solar energy is renewable. Solar Water Heating System gets energy from the sun to heat water for homes, there by displacing the use of electricity. The use of Solar Water Heating System has a long history and it is impossible for us to exactly date the first uses of it. But we do know that ancient Greeks and Romans civilizations made good use of passive solar energy in their building designs. The first inventor for Solar Water Heater is Clarence M. Kemp at Year 1891. Until today, Solar Water Heating System is commonly used by residents and becomes one of the action to protect our global. 1.6 Scope of Study The main study will specific on Solar Water Heating System and its pros and cons. The scope of study will focus on the comparison of initial cost, price, durability and environmental impact between Solar Water Heating System and Electric Water Heater. 1.7 Research Methodology  : This research will be carried out by using literature review and questionnaire. Literature review is going to determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system, and also to compare the cost of operation, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater. Questionnaire will be carried out to investigate the popularity of Solar Water Heater in Malaysian Homes at Wangsa Maju. 1.8 Contribution From this research, we gain deeper knowledge about solar water heating system and Malaysian’s family can have another choice on water heating system other than electric water heater. 1.9 Proposed Chapter 1.9.1 Chapter 1 -Introduction Introduction for solar water heating system. 1.9.2 Chapter 2 -Literature review Determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system from journals, books and through internet to support. Compare the cost of operation, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater. 1.9.3 Chapter 3 -Research Methodology Questionnaire The method for this research is using questionnaire. The main purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain facts, data and basic information from every party that involves in this area of study. Questionnaire will be distributed to relevant parties for feedback and will be set in an easy to answer manner to encourage response from the respondents. At the end of the questionnaire section, result will be tabulated in charts, graph, pie forms. This will reflect the trend and indicates the distribution of figure to help in analyzing the problems. Literature Review The information of the second source will be come from literature review. For the topic of this Project and Dissertation, all the information will base on the relevant literature on Solar Water Heating System. For better understanding, some aspects such as the method of installation for Solar Water Heating System, the type of Solar Water Heating System will also included. TARC library and national library is the best way to get all the relevant information. Besides that, internet is also the way to obtain all the relevant information and data. The online resource in TARC library is the best search engineers for the journals articles which related to my Project and Dissertation. 1.9.4 Chapter 4 -Data and analysis After the questionnaire, all the analysis results will be record and explain in this chapter. All the result will base on 40 respondents and given a conclusion whether the majority of the respondents prefer water heating system or electric water heater in Malaysian Homes. 1.9.5 Chapter 5 -Conclusion In this chapter will list down the achievement of objectives for this dissertation and will be concluded and commented. Other than that, my personal opinion and comment will also be in this chapter. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 History of Solar Water Heating System Throughout human’s history the sun has always been a subject of guess and mystery. In fact, most ancient cultures have considered the sun as a god or godlike due to its life-giving and energy-giving. Thus, the subject of solar is one of the oldest subject for human. Besides that, it has gone through many evolutions and has been the subject of many schools of thought- starting with religion, and ending up in the field of science. It is impossible to exactly date the first uses of solar energy, it maybe the Egyptian, Chinese or even the Malay first invented solar energy. But we do know that ancient Greeks and Romans civilizations, made good use of passive solar energy in their building designs. The use of Solar Water Heating System has a surprisingly long history. Year 1891, Clarence M. Kemp became the first man to patent a Solar Water Heater, called the â€Å"Climax†(Bob Ramlow and Benjamin Nusz, 2006, p.2). It was a black painted water tank mounted in an insulated box with glass on one side. The Climax was instantly popular in California. Thousands of Climaxes and similar systems were installed in a short time. Figure 2. 1 An old advertisement for the Climax Solar Water Heater Year 1909, William J. Bailey, a California Engineer began selling a new system Solar Water Heater named â€Å"Day and Night†(Ramlow and Nusz, 2006, p.3). It consisted of a solar collector and a separate storage tank mounted above the collector. Year 1913, a freak cold snap hit southern California and many â€Å"Day and Night† Solar Water Heater collectors froze and burst. To terminate future freezing problem, Bailey installed a coil of pipe within the storage tank to act as a heat exchanger. Then he used an alcohol and water mixture as the antifreeze solution for his heat exchange medium. This system called as a â€Å"closed-loop† Solar Water Heating System. Year 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter made the following prophetic statement at the inauguration of a solar-thermal water heater installed on the White House roof: â€Å"In the Year 2000, the solar heater behind me will still be here, supplying cheap, efficient energy. A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken; or it can be just a small part of the greatest and most exciting adventure ever undertaken by the American people.† (Ondrey, 2009). 2.2 Introduction of Solar Water Heating System One of the biggest uses of electricity, gas and oil is the heating of water in the home. Solar Water Heating System is a very simple and efficient way to grab energy from sun and use it. Solar Water Heater collects and converts solar radiation energy to useful thermal energy into the form of hot water. It essentially consists of solar collectors for absorbing and converting the solar energy and an insulated storage vessel or tank to contain the heated water. The amount of hot water a solar water heater produces depends on:- type and size of the system amount of sun available at the site seasonal hot water demand pattern and installation of the system Solar Water heater used in the homes for supplying domestic hot water are typically installed with some form of back-up heating system such as electricity to ensure a hot water supply during the night time and cloudy conditions. Solar water heater can be considered as per-heater. The Solar Water Heater raises the temperature of water before it enters the water tank. 2.3 Types of Solar Water Heating System There are two types of Solar Water Heating Systems, either is active or passive. Both of the types are working on the same principles. The only difference is active systems have a pump moving the water through the Solar Water Heating System but passive systems rely on nature principles which is warm water rises to the top, and cold water sinks to the bottom. With a passive Solar Water Heating System, the water storage tank must therefore always be positioned above the solar water heater collector. 2.3.1 Active Solar Water Heating System Active Solar Water Heaters rely on electric pumps, and the controllers to circulate water, or other heat-transfer fluids through the collectors. These are the types of Active Solar Water Heating System:- Open loop active systems- circulate water directly from the tank through the collectors (Morrison, 2005, p.226). This design is efficient and also can lower operating costs if there is no problem with the water supply because of calcium deposits quickly build up in the collector. Closed loop active systems- the heat transfer fluid is pumped through the collectors, and a heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from the collector loop to the water in the tank (Morrison, 2005, p.227). The two most common closed loop active  systems are:- Antifreeze- The heat transfer fluid is usually a glycol-water mixture with the glycol concentration depending on the expected minimum temperature. The glycol is usually food-grade propylene glycol because it is non-toxic. Drainback systems- A type of indirect system, use pump to circulate water through the collectors. The water in the collector loop drains into a reservoir tank when the pumps stop. This makes drainback systems a good choice in colder climates. Drainback systems must be carefully installed to assure that the piping always slopes downward, so that the water will completely drain from the piping. This can be difficult to achieve in some circulation. Active systems are usually more expensive and are less efficient than passive system of antifreeze measures are required. Active systems are more difficult to retrofit in houses that do not have basements because space must be found in house for additional equipment (Morrison, 2005, p.226). 2.3.2 Passive Solar Water Heating System Passive Solar Water Heaters rely on gravity and the tendency for water to naturally circulate as it is heated. Due to they contain no electric components, passive systems are generally more reliable, easier to maintain, and possibly have a longer work life than active systems. The two most popular types of passive systems are:- Integral-collector storage systems- combine tank and collector into one unit. These systems are simple and effective (Morrison, 2005, p.225). This system is only good in households with daytime and evening hot water needs due to high heat loss at night. The main limitation with this system concept is it is only a pre-heater and must be connected in series with a conventional water heater if a 24 hours hot water supply is required. Thermosyphon systems- an economical and reliable choice, especially in new homes. These systems rely on the natural circulation of water between the collector and the tank or heat exchanger (Morrison, 2005, p. 223). The tank set up must above the collector due to achieve circulation during daytime and also to limit reverse circulation at nighttime. Water which is heated will rise naturally into the tank and cooler water flows down to the bottom of the collector, causing circulation throughout system. 2.4 Pros and Cons of Solar Water Heating System 2.4.1 Advantages of Solar Water Heating System Installing a Solar Water Heater is an investment that will save our money for the coming years and it is simple to construct. It is almost free once the equipment is installed because of the â€Å"fuel† for the Solar Water Heater is getting from sun. Energy from the sun is renewable. So, we are protected from electricity bill increment year by year in the future. It is four times cheaper than electricity (Pandey and Banerjee, 1998, p.17). Besides that, it is environment free because it produces no greenhouse gases. Solar Water Heater avoids nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other air pollutants created when electric water heater is used to heat water. Solar Water Heater reduces pollutants and contribute to a healthier environment Other than that, Solar Water Heater is extremely safe and clean. We will feel free from the problem which will occur by electric water heater because Solar Water Heater mostly no maintenance, repair work or cleaning is required. By choosing a Solar Water Heater to heat water in home, it is an intelligent, socially aware and environmentally responsible energy source. 2.4.2 Disadvantages of Solar Water Heating System Although Solar Water Heating System consists of a lot of advantages, but it has its disadvantages also. First of all, Solar Water Heater will doesn’t work well on days when it is cloudy, over cast or raining. Besides that, it doesn’t work at nighttime. So, it is typically installed with electric water heater to ensure that hot water is supplied when the day is cloudy, overcast, raining or at night. Other than that, Cost of purchase Solar Water Heater is one the most critical issue. The initial cost of Solar Water Heater is high for Malaysian if compare to electric water heater. Many of the residents will not choose Solar Water heater due to its high initial cost. In addition, appearance of the house will affected due to the collector of Solar Water Heater is being installed on the roof. 2.5 Selecting a Solar Water Heater Before purchasing and installing a Solar Water Heating System, we are required to do the following:-  ·Ã‚  Consider into the economics of a Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Consider into the needs of hot water required  ·Ã‚  Determine the correct size for Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Determine the energy efficiency of Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Estimate and compare system costs 2.6 Method of Installation for Solar Water Heating System The installation of a Solar Water Heater requires skills that overlap many trades. Installer needs to be familiar with plumbing, roofing and electrical. Here will shows the various steps and processes to install a Solar Water Heater. This Solar Water Heating System consists of flat-plate collector, a differential controller, several sensors, a pump, and various valves. Step 1: Collector Mounting Before start the installation, installer must verify that the roof is suitable for the condition of mounting of the solar collector. Installer has to ensure that the roof tiles are in satisfactory condition and the trusses are adequate to support the collector. In general, there is no problem for installing a solar collector on a traditional roof. Besides that, it is recommended that the solar collector to face to south or within 30 º to 45  º east or west of due south. The installer needs to locate the trusses that will be use to attach the solar mounting brackets. After installer locates the trusses, he will then makes preparation for the installing of the collector mounting clips. The collector will then attach to the clips. Installer will carefully remove the roof tiles where the mounting clips will be installed. Four mounting clips will be used to support the collector and also to distribute the weight at the four mounting locations. Lastly, solar collector installs on the mounting clips. Step 2: Roof Pipe Flashing First of all, installer needs to identify and mark down the locations of the piping penetrations. There will be two penetration-collector feed line and collector return line. In gravity drain system, the feed line should penetrate the roof below the collector. Then, make a flat copper flashing with an oversize collar to penetrate the fluid line. Step 3: Piping from Tank to Collector Installer will install the pipe that will connect the water heater to the solar connector. Normally, soft copper will be used in the attic run between the tank area components and the collector lines exits at the roof because by using soft copper, installer does not have to solder any fittings in the attic. Pipe hangers will be used in locations to secure the long piping runs. Besides that, insulation will be installed on all attic piping to prevent heat loss. Step 4: Collector Feed line Piping Installer will measure, cut and fit the pipe fittings for proper length. He will solder the piping and fittings once all of them have been attached correctly. Step 5: Collector Return Line Plumbing Installer will solder fittings that will accommodate the system air vent. The system can prevent air locks that will restrict flow in the system. Air vent is always install at the high point of system and in a true north vertical position. Then, installer will solder more fitting such as pressure relief valve. Step 6: Storage Tank Installer starts the installation for storage tank. this involves plumbing the water heater for cold service, hot outlet, collector feed and return lines. Installer will place insulation on all exposed piping once the piping has been installed to reduce heat loss during system operation. Lastly, he will set the thermostat on the water heater because although the majority of the how water is produced by solar energy, but when cloudy, overcast or nighttime, the electric elements are always the spare for it. Step 7: Controller and Sensors Installer will install controller and sensor for the system. The differential controller is the brains of solar system. It works with two sensors. One of it located at the hottest part of the system which is collector outlet. The other one is located at the coldest part of the system which is the bottom of the tank. Step 8: Pump and Valves A Solar Water Heating System consists of a variety of components. System pump also called as circulator is a critical component for Solar Water Heating System. Its function is to circulate the fluid from the tank to the collector. Then the fluid gains heat in the solar collector and return to the storage tank. Besides that, check valve, drain valves and isolation valves also the components to install. Step 9: Pipe Insulation The last step for installation process is pipe insulation. It is to prevent heat loss from the piping, so pipe insulation is installed on both external and internal system piping. After that, installer should provide the owner of the Solar Water Heater a system operation and maintenance manual. 2.7 A Comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater Solartech (Summer) CX – Direct Heating* Panasonic DH – 3HE1M** Panasonic DH – 3HT1M** Type of Water Heater Solar Electric Electric Power Consumption 2.4 KW (back up heating element) 3.6 KW 3.6 KW Selling Price / unit RM 5,490.00 RM 639.00 RM 449.00 Selling Price (2 units) RM 1,278 RM 1,098 Initial Cost (selling price + installation cost) RM 5,690.00 RM 1428.00 RM 1248.00 Warranty (full warranty) 10 years 1 year 1 year Operation Cost / year RM 170.25 RM 1,109.67 RM 1,109.67 Operation Cost (10 years) RM 1702.50 RM 11,096.70 RM 11,096.70 Total Cost (initial cost + operation cost) for 10 years without maintenance cost RM 7,392.50 RM 12,374.70 RM 12,194.70 Environment Impact free CO2 CO2 Table 2. 1 Comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater * Description is given by Solartech Sales Service Sdn Bhd ** Description is given by Pansasonic Malaysia Sdn Bhd The table above shows the comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater. In the table, it is shown that the total cost for 10 years, environment impact and their operation cost. Firstly, for family consists of 6 persons considered as the study in the table. They installed 2 units of electric water heater in the toilets for their house or a unit of Solar Water Heater. Their need for hot water is 3 hours per day. Besides that, the study is estimating the total cost for 10 years. 2.7.1 Total Cost Method Intention in this study is to let the operation time (N) of a system be variable to find the operation life of the systems. The total cost will be adapted in the study because it allows the comparison between the systems for 10 years time. In general, the total cost of a system can be expressed as the following equation: Total Cost = Initial Cost + Operation Cost( 10years) Operation Cost (OC) For Electric Water Heater, operation cost is the electrical bill cost over the year to provide hot water needs of the family consists of 6 persons. But for Solar Water Heater, the operation cost is yearly electrical bill cost for the back up heating system. OCSWH = 12 months x NOCD x NOHs x price of electricity (RM/KWh) Where, OCSWH operation cost of Solar Water Heater; NOCD number of cloudy day per month; NOHS number of hours switched back up heating system. OCEWH = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) Where, OCEWH operation cost of Electric Water Heater; NOH number of hours electricity is used to provide hot water. 2.7.2 Summary of the values of the parameter Solartech (Summer) CX – Direct Heating Panasonic DH – 3HE1M (2 units) Panasonic DH – 3HT1M (2 units) Initial Cost = RM 5,690.00 OC = 12 months x NOCD x NOHs x price of  electricity (RM/KWh) = 12 months x 7 days/month x 3 hours x (2.4 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 170.25 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 5,690.00 + (RM 170.25 x 10) = RM 7,392.50 Initial Cost = RM 1,278.00 OC = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) = 365 days x 3 hours x (3.6 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 1,109.67 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 1,278.00 + (RM 1,109.67 x 10) = RM 12,374.70 Initial Cost = RM 1,098.00 OC = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) = 365 days x 3 hours x (3.6 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 1,109.67 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 1,098.00 + (RM 1,109.67 x 10) = RM 12,194.70 Table 2. 2 Summary of the values of the paramater From the table above, it is shown that Solar Water Heater is more economical and more attractive than the Electric Water Heater in long term. It is better for the family to use Solar Water Heater when compared to Electrical Water Heater. Besides that, it is more benefits to install Solar Water Heater because of long term economical benefits, environment friendly and a way to avoid from the problem of increasing electricity bill and increasing family size. References Ong, K. S. 1994. Solar Water Heater. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia: University of Malaya. Gordon, J. 2005. Solar Enegy The State of The Art. London: James James (Science Publishers) Ltd. Ondrey, G. 2009. ‘Solar’s Second Coming’. Chemical Engineering. pg. 18. Pandey, J. L. and Banerjee M. K. 1998. ‘Energy Conservation with the Use of Solar Selective Coatings’. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 45(1), pp. 16-24. Davidson, Jane, Wood and Byard. 1996. ‘Solar Hot Water for the Home’. Mechanical Engineering. pg. 60. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2009. ‘Economics of Domestic Solar Hot Water Heating Systems in Malaysia’. 26(1), pp. 20-28 Progress Report Task to be completed Second Year Semester 1 (Week)   July 05, 2009 July 11, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 July 19, 2009 July 25, 2009 July 26, 2009 Aug 01, 2009 Aug 02, 2009 Aug 08, 2009 Aug 09, 2009 Aug 15, 2009 Aug 16, 2009 Aug 22, 2009 Aug 23, 2009 Aug 29, 2009 Confirm Title Finalise Proposal 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Literature review Proposed Work Schedule Actual Work Schedule Task to be completed Second Year Semester 1 (Week) July 05, 2009 July 11, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 July 19, 2009 July 25, 2009 July 26, 2009 Aug 01, 2009 Aug 02, 2009 Aug 08, 2009 Aug 09, 2009 Aug 15, 2009 Aug 16, 2009 Aug 22, 2009 Aug 23, 2009 Aug 29, 2009 Confirm Title Finalise Proposal 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Literature review Every element had been done on time according to the proposed work progress except Chapter 1 Introduction. It should be done before August 01, 2009, but in stead it was done on August 22, 2009. The reason for the delay because of Introduction is revised proposal, so I decided to postpone it until the same with the date of completion for literature review. For Literature Review, I started it a week earlier than the proposed work schedule due to I need longer time to search information from TARC library and internet. Besides that, I also needed to get the quotation from supplier so that I started my literature review earlier. Luckily, everything in progress and I finished my literature review on time. My supervisor, Mr. Teh Bin Sin checked my works on August 20, 2009 and I printed out all the chapters for interim submission. Report on Changes Involved Date (Week) Issue of Changes Issue of Amendment July 05, 2009 – July 11,2009 Project Title ‘A Comparison between Solar Water Heating System and Electric Water Heater’ changed to ‘A Study into Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes’ The project title changed because ‘A Study into Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes’ is more specific and to fulfill requirement of supervisor. July 26, 2009 – August 01, 2009 Objectives ‘To compare the initial cost, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater’ changed to ‘To compare the initial cost, price, durability, and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater’ Due to the comment from supplier, which is maintenance cost is difficult to calculate or estimate for the following 10 years for water heater, so I decided to take out the comparison of maintenance cost in objective. Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Project Title A study into solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.2 Problem Statement Malaysia has favourable climatic conditions for the development of solar energy due to the abundant sunshine and is considered good for harnessing energy from the sun. This is because solar hot water can represent the large energy consumer in Malaysia households. But, because of the high initial cost of solar water heating system, and easily to install and relatively inexpensive to purchase electric water heaters, many Malaysia families are still suing electric water heaters to hot their water needs. This research is presented the comparing of solar water heating system from Malaysian’s market with the electric water heater by study the initial cost, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for both systems. The most important is to compare the long term economical benefits for both systems. 1.3 Aims To study solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes 1.4 Objectives To determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system To investigate the popularity of solar water heating system in Malaysian Homes To compare the initial cost, price, durability, and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater 1.5 Background Every day, we are heard with information about global warming, global pollution, wars over energy resources, species depletion†¦the lists go and on. Solar energy is renewable. Solar Water Heating System gets energy from the sun to heat water for homes, there by displacing the use of electricity. The use of Solar Water Heating System has a long history and it is impossible for us to exactly date the first uses of it. But we do know that ancient Greeks and Romans civilizations made good use of passive solar energy in their building designs. The first inventor for Solar Water Heater is Clarence M. Kemp at Year 1891. Until today, Solar Water Heating System is commonly used by residents and becomes one of the action to protect our global. 1.6 Scope of Study The main study will specific on Solar Water Heating System and its pros and cons. The scope of study will focus on the comparison of initial cost, price, durability and environmental impact between Solar Water Heating System and Electric Water Heater. 1.7 Research Methodology  : This research will be carried out by using literature review and questionnaire. Literature review is going to determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system, and also to compare the cost of operation, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater. Questionnaire will be carried out to investigate the popularity of Solar Water Heater in Malaysian Homes at Wangsa Maju. 1.8 Contribution From this research, we gain deeper knowledge about solar water heating system and Malaysian’s family can have another choice on water heating system other than electric water heater. 1.9 Proposed Chapter 1.9.1 Chapter 1 -Introduction Introduction for solar water heating system. 1.9.2 Chapter 2 -Literature review Determine the pros and cons for solar water heating system from journals, books and through internet to support. Compare the cost of operation, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater. 1.9.3 Chapter 3 -Research Methodology Questionnaire The method for this research is using questionnaire. The main purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain facts, data and basic information from every party that involves in this area of study. Questionnaire will be distributed to relevant parties for feedback and will be set in an easy to answer manner to encourage response from the respondents. At the end of the questionnaire section, result will be tabulated in charts, graph, pie forms. This will reflect the trend and indicates the distribution of figure to help in analyzing the problems. Literature Review The information of the second source will be come from literature review. For the topic of this Project and Dissertation, all the information will base on the relevant literature on Solar Water Heating System. For better understanding, some aspects such as the method of installation for Solar Water Heating System, the type of Solar Water Heating System will also included. TARC library and national library is the best way to get all the relevant information. Besides that, internet is also the way to obtain all the relevant information and data. The online resource in TARC library is the best search engineers for the journals articles which related to my Project and Dissertation. 1.9.4 Chapter 4 -Data and analysis After the questionnaire, all the analysis results will be record and explain in this chapter. All the result will base on 40 respondents and given a conclusion whether the majority of the respondents prefer water heating system or electric water heater in Malaysian Homes. 1.9.5 Chapter 5 -Conclusion In this chapter will list down the achievement of objectives for this dissertation and will be concluded and commented. Other than that, my personal opinion and comment will also be in this chapter. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 History of Solar Water Heating System Throughout human’s history the sun has always been a subject of guess and mystery. In fact, most ancient cultures have considered the sun as a god or godlike due to its life-giving and energy-giving. Thus, the subject of solar is one of the oldest subject for human. Besides that, it has gone through many evolutions and has been the subject of many schools of thought- starting with religion, and ending up in the field of science. It is impossible to exactly date the first uses of solar energy, it maybe the Egyptian, Chinese or even the Malay first invented solar energy. But we do know that ancient Greeks and Romans civilizations, made good use of passive solar energy in their building designs. The use of Solar Water Heating System has a surprisingly long history. Year 1891, Clarence M. Kemp became the first man to patent a Solar Water Heater, called the â€Å"Climax†(Bob Ramlow and Benjamin Nusz, 2006, p.2). It was a black painted water tank mounted in an insulated box with glass on one side. The Climax was instantly popular in California. Thousands of Climaxes and similar systems were installed in a short time. Figure 2. 1 An old advertisement for the Climax Solar Water Heater Year 1909, William J. Bailey, a California Engineer began selling a new system Solar Water Heater named â€Å"Day and Night†(Ramlow and Nusz, 2006, p.3). It consisted of a solar collector and a separate storage tank mounted above the collector. Year 1913, a freak cold snap hit southern California and many â€Å"Day and Night† Solar Water Heater collectors froze and burst. To terminate future freezing problem, Bailey installed a coil of pipe within the storage tank to act as a heat exchanger. Then he used an alcohol and water mixture as the antifreeze solution for his heat exchange medium. This system called as a â€Å"closed-loop† Solar Water Heating System. Year 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter made the following prophetic statement at the inauguration of a solar-thermal water heater installed on the White House roof: â€Å"In the Year 2000, the solar heater behind me will still be here, supplying cheap, efficient energy. A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken; or it can be just a small part of the greatest and most exciting adventure ever undertaken by the American people.† (Ondrey, 2009). 2.2 Introduction of Solar Water Heating System One of the biggest uses of electricity, gas and oil is the heating of water in the home. Solar Water Heating System is a very simple and efficient way to grab energy from sun and use it. Solar Water Heater collects and converts solar radiation energy to useful thermal energy into the form of hot water. It essentially consists of solar collectors for absorbing and converting the solar energy and an insulated storage vessel or tank to contain the heated water. The amount of hot water a solar water heater produces depends on:- type and size of the system amount of sun available at the site seasonal hot water demand pattern and installation of the system Solar Water heater used in the homes for supplying domestic hot water are typically installed with some form of back-up heating system such as electricity to ensure a hot water supply during the night time and cloudy conditions. Solar water heater can be considered as per-heater. The Solar Water Heater raises the temperature of water before it enters the water tank. 2.3 Types of Solar Water Heating System There are two types of Solar Water Heating Systems, either is active or passive. Both of the types are working on the same principles. The only difference is active systems have a pump moving the water through the Solar Water Heating System but passive systems rely on nature principles which is warm water rises to the top, and cold water sinks to the bottom. With a passive Solar Water Heating System, the water storage tank must therefore always be positioned above the solar water heater collector. 2.3.1 Active Solar Water Heating System Active Solar Water Heaters rely on electric pumps, and the controllers to circulate water, or other heat-transfer fluids through the collectors. These are the types of Active Solar Water Heating System:- Open loop active systems- circulate water directly from the tank through the collectors (Morrison, 2005, p.226). This design is efficient and also can lower operating costs if there is no problem with the water supply because of calcium deposits quickly build up in the collector. Closed loop active systems- the heat transfer fluid is pumped through the collectors, and a heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from the collector loop to the water in the tank (Morrison, 2005, p.227). The two most common closed loop active  systems are:- Antifreeze- The heat transfer fluid is usually a glycol-water mixture with the glycol concentration depending on the expected minimum temperature. The glycol is usually food-grade propylene glycol because it is non-toxic. Drainback systems- A type of indirect system, use pump to circulate water through the collectors. The water in the collector loop drains into a reservoir tank when the pumps stop. This makes drainback systems a good choice in colder climates. Drainback systems must be carefully installed to assure that the piping always slopes downward, so that the water will completely drain from the piping. This can be difficult to achieve in some circulation. Active systems are usually more expensive and are less efficient than passive system of antifreeze measures are required. Active systems are more difficult to retrofit in houses that do not have basements because space must be found in house for additional equipment (Morrison, 2005, p.226). 2.3.2 Passive Solar Water Heating System Passive Solar Water Heaters rely on gravity and the tendency for water to naturally circulate as it is heated. Due to they contain no electric components, passive systems are generally more reliable, easier to maintain, and possibly have a longer work life than active systems. The two most popular types of passive systems are:- Integral-collector storage systems- combine tank and collector into one unit. These systems are simple and effective (Morrison, 2005, p.225). This system is only good in households with daytime and evening hot water needs due to high heat loss at night. The main limitation with this system concept is it is only a pre-heater and must be connected in series with a conventional water heater if a 24 hours hot water supply is required. Thermosyphon systems- an economical and reliable choice, especially in new homes. These systems rely on the natural circulation of water between the collector and the tank or heat exchanger (Morrison, 2005, p. 223). The tank set up must above the collector due to achieve circulation during daytime and also to limit reverse circulation at nighttime. Water which is heated will rise naturally into the tank and cooler water flows down to the bottom of the collector, causing circulation throughout system. 2.4 Pros and Cons of Solar Water Heating System 2.4.1 Advantages of Solar Water Heating System Installing a Solar Water Heater is an investment that will save our money for the coming years and it is simple to construct. It is almost free once the equipment is installed because of the â€Å"fuel† for the Solar Water Heater is getting from sun. Energy from the sun is renewable. So, we are protected from electricity bill increment year by year in the future. It is four times cheaper than electricity (Pandey and Banerjee, 1998, p.17). Besides that, it is environment free because it produces no greenhouse gases. Solar Water Heater avoids nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other air pollutants created when electric water heater is used to heat water. Solar Water Heater reduces pollutants and contribute to a healthier environment Other than that, Solar Water Heater is extremely safe and clean. We will feel free from the problem which will occur by electric water heater because Solar Water Heater mostly no maintenance, repair work or cleaning is required. By choosing a Solar Water Heater to heat water in home, it is an intelligent, socially aware and environmentally responsible energy source. 2.4.2 Disadvantages of Solar Water Heating System Although Solar Water Heating System consists of a lot of advantages, but it has its disadvantages also. First of all, Solar Water Heater will doesn’t work well on days when it is cloudy, over cast or raining. Besides that, it doesn’t work at nighttime. So, it is typically installed with electric water heater to ensure that hot water is supplied when the day is cloudy, overcast, raining or at night. Other than that, Cost of purchase Solar Water Heater is one the most critical issue. The initial cost of Solar Water Heater is high for Malaysian if compare to electric water heater. Many of the residents will not choose Solar Water heater due to its high initial cost. In addition, appearance of the house will affected due to the collector of Solar Water Heater is being installed on the roof. 2.5 Selecting a Solar Water Heater Before purchasing and installing a Solar Water Heating System, we are required to do the following:-  ·Ã‚  Consider into the economics of a Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Consider into the needs of hot water required  ·Ã‚  Determine the correct size for Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Determine the energy efficiency of Solar Water Heating System  ·Ã‚  Estimate and compare system costs 2.6 Method of Installation for Solar Water Heating System The installation of a Solar Water Heater requires skills that overlap many trades. Installer needs to be familiar with plumbing, roofing and electrical. Here will shows the various steps and processes to install a Solar Water Heater. This Solar Water Heating System consists of flat-plate collector, a differential controller, several sensors, a pump, and various valves. Step 1: Collector Mounting Before start the installation, installer must verify that the roof is suitable for the condition of mounting of the solar collector. Installer has to ensure that the roof tiles are in satisfactory condition and the trusses are adequate to support the collector. In general, there is no problem for installing a solar collector on a traditional roof. Besides that, it is recommended that the solar collector to face to south or within 30 º to 45  º east or west of due south. The installer needs to locate the trusses that will be use to attach the solar mounting brackets. After installer locates the trusses, he will then makes preparation for the installing of the collector mounting clips. The collector will then attach to the clips. Installer will carefully remove the roof tiles where the mounting clips will be installed. Four mounting clips will be used to support the collector and also to distribute the weight at the four mounting locations. Lastly, solar collector installs on the mounting clips. Step 2: Roof Pipe Flashing First of all, installer needs to identify and mark down the locations of the piping penetrations. There will be two penetration-collector feed line and collector return line. In gravity drain system, the feed line should penetrate the roof below the collector. Then, make a flat copper flashing with an oversize collar to penetrate the fluid line. Step 3: Piping from Tank to Collector Installer will install the pipe that will connect the water heater to the solar connector. Normally, soft copper will be used in the attic run between the tank area components and the collector lines exits at the roof because by using soft copper, installer does not have to solder any fittings in the attic. Pipe hangers will be used in locations to secure the long piping runs. Besides that, insulation will be installed on all attic piping to prevent heat loss. Step 4: Collector Feed line Piping Installer will measure, cut and fit the pipe fittings for proper length. He will solder the piping and fittings once all of them have been attached correctly. Step 5: Collector Return Line Plumbing Installer will solder fittings that will accommodate the system air vent. The system can prevent air locks that will restrict flow in the system. Air vent is always install at the high point of system and in a true north vertical position. Then, installer will solder more fitting such as pressure relief valve. Step 6: Storage Tank Installer starts the installation for storage tank. this involves plumbing the water heater for cold service, hot outlet, collector feed and return lines. Installer will place insulation on all exposed piping once the piping has been installed to reduce heat loss during system operation. Lastly, he will set the thermostat on the water heater because although the majority of the how water is produced by solar energy, but when cloudy, overcast or nighttime, the electric elements are always the spare for it. Step 7: Controller and Sensors Installer will install controller and sensor for the system. The differential controller is the brains of solar system. It works with two sensors. One of it located at the hottest part of the system which is collector outlet. The other one is located at the coldest part of the system which is the bottom of the tank. Step 8: Pump and Valves A Solar Water Heating System consists of a variety of components. System pump also called as circulator is a critical component for Solar Water Heating System. Its function is to circulate the fluid from the tank to the collector. Then the fluid gains heat in the solar collector and return to the storage tank. Besides that, check valve, drain valves and isolation valves also the components to install. Step 9: Pipe Insulation The last step for installation process is pipe insulation. It is to prevent heat loss from the piping, so pipe insulation is installed on both external and internal system piping. After that, installer should provide the owner of the Solar Water Heater a system operation and maintenance manual. 2.7 A Comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater Solartech (Summer) CX – Direct Heating* Panasonic DH – 3HE1M** Panasonic DH – 3HT1M** Type of Water Heater Solar Electric Electric Power Consumption 2.4 KW (back up heating element) 3.6 KW 3.6 KW Selling Price / unit RM 5,490.00 RM 639.00 RM 449.00 Selling Price (2 units) RM 1,278 RM 1,098 Initial Cost (selling price + installation cost) RM 5,690.00 RM 1428.00 RM 1248.00 Warranty (full warranty) 10 years 1 year 1 year Operation Cost / year RM 170.25 RM 1,109.67 RM 1,109.67 Operation Cost (10 years) RM 1702.50 RM 11,096.70 RM 11,096.70 Total Cost (initial cost + operation cost) for 10 years without maintenance cost RM 7,392.50 RM 12,374.70 RM 12,194.70 Environment Impact free CO2 CO2 Table 2. 1 Comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater * Description is given by Solartech Sales Service Sdn Bhd ** Description is given by Pansasonic Malaysia Sdn Bhd The table above shows the comparison between Solar Water Heater and Electric Water Heater. In the table, it is shown that the total cost for 10 years, environment impact and their operation cost. Firstly, for family consists of 6 persons considered as the study in the table. They installed 2 units of electric water heater in the toilets for their house or a unit of Solar Water Heater. Their need for hot water is 3 hours per day. Besides that, the study is estimating the total cost for 10 years. 2.7.1 Total Cost Method Intention in this study is to let the operation time (N) of a system be variable to find the operation life of the systems. The total cost will be adapted in the study because it allows the comparison between the systems for 10 years time. In general, the total cost of a system can be expressed as the following equation: Total Cost = Initial Cost + Operation Cost( 10years) Operation Cost (OC) For Electric Water Heater, operation cost is the electrical bill cost over the year to provide hot water needs of the family consists of 6 persons. But for Solar Water Heater, the operation cost is yearly electrical bill cost for the back up heating system. OCSWH = 12 months x NOCD x NOHs x price of electricity (RM/KWh) Where, OCSWH operation cost of Solar Water Heater; NOCD number of cloudy day per month; NOHS number of hours switched back up heating system. OCEWH = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) Where, OCEWH operation cost of Electric Water Heater; NOH number of hours electricity is used to provide hot water. 2.7.2 Summary of the values of the parameter Solartech (Summer) CX – Direct Heating Panasonic DH – 3HE1M (2 units) Panasonic DH – 3HT1M (2 units) Initial Cost = RM 5,690.00 OC = 12 months x NOCD x NOHs x price of  electricity (RM/KWh) = 12 months x 7 days/month x 3 hours x (2.4 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 170.25 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 5,690.00 + (RM 170.25 x 10) = RM 7,392.50 Initial Cost = RM 1,278.00 OC = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) = 365 days x 3 hours x (3.6 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 1,109.67 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 1,278.00 + (RM 1,109.67 x 10) = RM 12,374.70 Initial Cost = RM 1,098.00 OC = 365 days x NOH x price of electricity (RM/KWh) = 365 days x 3 hours x (3.6 KW x (RM 0.218 + RM 0.345)/2) = RM 1,109.67 Total Cost = Initial Cost + (OC x 10 years) = RM 1,098.00 + (RM 1,109.67 x 10) = RM 12,194.70 Table 2. 2 Summary of the values of the paramater From the table above, it is shown that Solar Water Heater is more economical and more attractive than the Electric Water Heater in long term. It is better for the family to use Solar Water Heater when compared to Electrical Water Heater. Besides that, it is more benefits to install Solar Water Heater because of long term economical benefits, environment friendly and a way to avoid from the problem of increasing electricity bill and increasing family size. References Ong, K. S. 1994. Solar Water Heater. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia: University of Malaya. Gordon, J. 2005. Solar Enegy The State of The Art. London: James James (Science Publishers) Ltd. Ondrey, G. 2009. ‘Solar’s Second Coming’. Chemical Engineering. pg. 18. Pandey, J. L. and Banerjee M. K. 1998. ‘Energy Conservation with the Use of Solar Selective Coatings’. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. 45(1), pp. 16-24. Davidson, Jane, Wood and Byard. 1996. ‘Solar Hot Water for the Home’. Mechanical Engineering. pg. 60. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2009. ‘Economics of Domestic Solar Hot Water Heating Systems in Malaysia’. 26(1), pp. 20-28 Progress Report Task to be completed Second Year Semester 1 (Week)   July 05, 2009 July 11, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 July 19, 2009 July 25, 2009 July 26, 2009 Aug 01, 2009 Aug 02, 2009 Aug 08, 2009 Aug 09, 2009 Aug 15, 2009 Aug 16, 2009 Aug 22, 2009 Aug 23, 2009 Aug 29, 2009 Confirm Title Finalise Proposal 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Literature review Proposed Work Schedule Actual Work Schedule Task to be completed Second Year Semester 1 (Week) July 05, 2009 July 11, 2009 July 12, 2009 July 18, 2009 July 19, 2009 July 25, 2009 July 26, 2009 Aug 01, 2009 Aug 02, 2009 Aug 08, 2009 Aug 09, 2009 Aug 15, 2009 Aug 16, 2009 Aug 22, 2009 Aug 23, 2009 Aug 29, 2009 Confirm Title Finalise Proposal 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Literature review Every element had been done on time according to the proposed work progress except Chapter 1 Introduction. It should be done before August 01, 2009, but in stead it was done on August 22, 2009. The reason for the delay because of Introduction is revised proposal, so I decided to postpone it until the same with the date of completion for literature review. For Literature Review, I started it a week earlier than the proposed work schedule due to I need longer time to search information from TARC library and internet. Besides that, I also needed to get the quotation from supplier so that I started my literature review earlier. Luckily, everything in progress and I finished my literature review on time. My supervisor, Mr. Teh Bin Sin checked my works on August 20, 2009 and I printed out all the chapters for interim submission. Report on Changes Involved Date (Week) Issue of Changes Issue of Amendment July 05, 2009 – July 11,2009 Project Title ‘A Comparison between Solar Water Heating System and Electric Water Heater’ changed to ‘A Study into Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes’ The project title changed because ‘A Study into Solar Water Heating System in Malaysian Homes’ is more specific and to fulfill requirement of supervisor. July 26, 2009 – August 01, 2009 Objectives ‘To compare the initial cost, price, durability, maintenance cost and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater’ changed to ‘To compare the initial cost, price, durability, and environment impact for solar water heating system and electric water heater’ Due to the comment from supplier, which is maintenance cost is difficult to calculate or estimate for the following 10 years for water heater, so I decided to take out the comparison of maintenance cost in objective.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Constant, Changeless Change (An Argumentative Text About Yeats’s Repres

William Butler Yeats was a poet during the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century. He was a brilliant poet. He had a way of making complex images, representing his philosophies regarding change and changeless, with words. He had a lot of unique ideas on philosophical topics such as these. â€Å"Yeats developed a philosophy that united his interest in history, art, personality, and society.† (1144). In the five poems written by Yeats, and compiled in our textbook, the opposition between radical change and changeless is illustrated very clearly. In the poem, When You are Old, Yeats tells the intended reader, a woman, that his love for her won’t change, but hopefully, her feelings for him will change when she reads the poem. This poem is a love poem. It is slightly bitter, but a love poem, nonetheless. Yeats says that he loves the ambition and the thirst for adventure in her. â€Å"But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you.† (7). On this, I couldn’t agree more with Yeats. Yeats says that he loves her, but she doesn’t love him yet. He hopes that when something chang...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Future of Democracy in Pakistan

Future of democracy in Pakistan Outline 1)What is democracy 2) Democracy and Pakistan – Present, Past and Future 3) Importance of democracy 4)Threats to democracy 1. Weak political institutions 2. Influence of Military 3. Economic difficulties 4. Social Norms 5. Illiteracy – lack of political of awareness 6. Unemployment and poverty 7. Image of political leadership 8. Power politics 9. Foreign interference 10. Unbridled media 11. Feudalism and racism 12. Grievances of small provinces 13. Relation with India 14. Terrorism and extremism 5) Suggestions to meet the challenges 1. Strengthing of political parties and political culture . Sovereignty of parliament and other statuary 3. Independence of judiciary 4. Eradication of illiteracy 5. Political awareness 6. Democratic norms 7. Economic uplift 8. Emergence of new leadership 9. Participation of youth in political process 10. Mature and tolerant politics 11. Independence of media 12. Accountability 6)Our strengths 1. Prese nce of pro-democracy leadership 2. Active Civil Society 3. Independent Media 4. Determined and dedicated nation 5. Pakistani Youth 7) Conclusion Essay For years now we have been hearing the word democracy being used endlessly in our media, homes and offices.But do we really know what democracy is? What does it stand for? What are its principles? And most importantly what is the role of different state institutions and their respective jobs and duties as prescribed in the constitution. The word democracy is derived from two Greek words, Demos and Kratos meaning rule of the people. In simple words academics like to define it as, â€Å"Rule of the people by the people for the people†. Democracy stands for people’s rights and representation. It is a very well balanced system which has slowly evolved into the fair and reasonable system we all know.It favours a progressive society. It encourages arts and science. All the technological, social and political progress that man has made was in a democratic society e-g Muslim Spain, British Empire, USA. Our country Pakistan was the result of a political and democratic struggle but democracy could not flourish during 62 years of its existence. The founder of Pakistan was a great democratic statesman who envisioned a democratic and progressive Pakistan. Unfortunately his illness couldn’t let him to contribute much for democracy. His death was a fine blow to the political stability of Pakistan.Liaquat Ali Khan, a devoted prime-minister elected from Eastern Pakistan was unacceptable to the ruling elite of West Pakistan and was subsequently eliminated from the political scene in 1951. These initial problems of Pakistan gave him little time to focus his attention on democratic and constitutional development of newly born state. His sudden death proved a serious blow to the nation. His successors dedicated their efforts to perpetuate their rule showing little concern to democratic development. The early yea rs were marked with conspiracies, unethical and undemocratic tactics in power corridors of the country.This situation provided opportunity to military to intervene in politics and Ayub Khan imposed first Marshal Law in 1958. After this, army became a stakeholder in power game and ruled the country four times through coups. The recent government has assumed power through an electoral process. It is for the first time in the history of Pakistan that a democratic government is going to complete its duration. The current democracy is facing multifaceted challenges on economic, social, political and international fronts. This needs a sagacious approach to ensure continuance of democratic rule in Pakistan.Today the respect of a nation in the international community is directly linked to prevalence of democracy. Pakistan has to strengthen democracy in order to earn a respectable place in the world and head towards the road of progress and prosperity. The clouds of uncertainty are hovering over the democratic set-up in Pakistan. The major threat is absence of sound political infrastructure. Frequent Military interventions prevented growth of political culture. Political parties could not be established on modern and democratic lines. Political parities are nursuries of democracy.In Pakistan these parties are plagued with outside influence, short term goals, one man show and family politics. Political culture cannot flourish until political parties start functioning in democratic manner. FOR RULERS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES LIKE PAKISTAN, DEMOCRACY IS A CHEWING GUM FOR THE PEOPLE, TO GO ON CHEWING†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦A SWEET YET USELESS TASTE Economic difficulties are the barriers to Govt performance causing public discontent. Pakistan government is facing financial difficulties. Its economy is under developed characterized by huge trade deficit, heavy debt burden and deteriorating currency.Government lacks the requisite economic resources for public uplift. Consequently common men remain indifferent to national politics and democracy that induce undemocratic forces to intervene. The democratic system derives its strength from people. Whereas half of the Pakistani population is illiterate and stands unaware to democratic concepts, even the major chunk of educated people remains also indifferent to political developments in the country. This allures undemocratic forces to assume the power and to their pleasure they are accorded warm welcome by the nation when they assumed the charge.Political unawareness amongst the masses poses serious threat to democracy. Democracy can flourish only if public at large get involved in the political process. The image of political leadership has been rotten over the time. Common men tend to dislike the political personalities. They are held responsible for all the afflictions Pakistan facing today. There are deficiencies in politicians, but these are projected to the public with exaggeration of some facts along with certai n myths. This mistrust of public prevents them to concern about the political process.Political instability along with economic difficulties pushed the country towards foreign dependence. Resultantly, the international powers, in pursuance of their own goals, care little to the democratic stability of the country. All the military rulers enjoyed foreign support. 75% of financial aid by USA was received during the military regime. Purportedly, these foreign players intrigue to destabilize the political set up, when their interest require doing so. Media independence is vital to democratic stability but it must be subjected to some ethics, rules and regulations. Unfortunately, media scarcely follows he ethical and legal limits. Commercialism some time allures it to pursue yellow journalism putting aside the national interest. In order to catch public opinion, media manipulate the facts and mis-represent it to the public where constructive criticism play a positive role, undue castigat ion arouse public wrath for the sitting government. Consequently people start desiring change whether democratic or undemocratic. Feudalism is negation of equality and freedom. Democracy is not just happening of electoral exercise, it is set of principles based on the concept of freedom, liberty, equality and tolerance.Elections are just one of the manifestations of democracy. While feudalism does not hinder the electoral process, it put curbs on the people’s right of freedom. Masses are restrained to freely participate in the democratic process. Feudalism is still prevailing in Pakistan and people falling under its jurisdiction are treated like subjects. They can never become the active participants of political process. Small provinces have lost their confidence on federation. Military rulers suppressed their demands. They were denied the genuine legal and constitutional rights.Though the present democratic government sought apology from Balouchs, no substantial efforts has been evinced yet to redress their woes, their anti-centre feelings, if not addressed aptly would aggravate in the days ahead. Pakistan unfriendly relations with India overpower its domestic and international policies. Both the countries remained at logger heads since their inception. Pakistan, in order to counter the menace of Indian adventures, had to allocate major chunk of her resources for military development at the cost of negating other socio-economic sectors of the country.She has to maintain a large army in spite of having limited economic resources. Pakistan annually allocates 33% of her budget to defense on average. If relations with India are normalized, these resources may be better spent on public uplift, social welfare, education and health. If it happens it would bring prosperity that strengthens the democratic foundations of the country. Terrorism is one of the biggest threats to survival of entire humanity. The entire world is intimidated of this menace and making efforts to counter it.Its afflictions are pervasive and engulfing the peace and prosperity of the nation. The multiple challenges lingering on democracy thus requires a multipronged struggle to counter them. Political parties are the primary institutions of democracy in order to provide a solid foundation to edifice of democracy. Political parties have to re-organize and function on democratic lines. These have to establish their roots at gross root level and develop them like institutions open to public. Only political parties can ensure public participation in political process and inculcate the democratic values.A dedicated involvement of people at large would provide a solid base to democracy in Pakistan. Parliament is representative institution of public. Executives must be accountable before the parliament. If all decisions are made through the parliament, it would strengthen democracy. Judiciary is a foremost pillar of state. An independent and efficient Judiciary ensure pre valence of social justice in the society. It provides a plat-form to aggrieved citizens to seek redressal of their griveneces. If people get legal way to their redressal, it reduces the likelihood of illegal adventures.So independence of judiciary is key to strong democracy. Educational uplift of the society makes its members well conversant to the concepts of freedom, liberty and democracy. People learn the blessings of public rule. It enhances their commitment to democracy and they can stand against the efforts to derail the political process. Ironically, a considerable majority of educated people lack awareness to democracy. This issue must be addressed through transformation of syllabus on modern lines. Democracy, its need and its blessings must be incorporated as part of the syllabus at all levels of education.Besides this, government must join hands with media, civil society and other pressure groups to inculcate the values of freedom, liberty, human rights and democracy among st the masses. Political players must set good norms to strengthen democracy. Power thrust, intolerance and corruption have plagued the politics of Pakistan. Time has come to stop the old practices and follow the democratic values prevailed in developed societies. Political parties need revision regarding their structure as they lack democracy. Economic growth brings prosperity in the life of common.A prosper society is more likely to adopt democracy and actively engage in political process. Leadership provides new direction to society and led them to the destination. Pakistan desperately needs trustworthy leadership that people follow dedicatedly. Our youth constitute 30% of the society they are representative of new generation. Their participation may ensure structural improvements in national paradigm. It has been witnessed that during Pakisan movement youth played vital role in opinion formation and mass awareness and so is the time now.There is a need to guide our youth to take the responsibility of our tomorrow. Its the high time when youth is active and willing to welcome the dawn of democracy and it should be utilized to its fullest. An impartial system of accountability enhances public trust on the political system. It provides enormous strength to democratic process. Moreover, it compels thousand who are charged with governance, to transparently discharge their official responsibilities. It ensures good governance and strengthens the political set up.Inspite of facing innumerable challenges and showing unsatisfactory performance, Pakistanis has the capability to emerge as a democratic and progressive nation. Pakistan can road to democracy with dedication, determination, commitment, courage and patriotism of its political leaders. If they are aptly inculcated with the true spirit of democracy, they are potent enough to change the destiny. There is no second opinion that democracy is pre-requisite for Pakistan to earn a respectable place in the interna tional community. Its track record uring 62 years of existence portrays a gloomy picture. The current challenges and threats further aggravate the scene. But this does no imply there is no room for improvement. A glance at the history reveals that difficulties always appear in the life of surviving nations. But these adversities are proved blessing in disguise when these are faced gallantly. This moment becomes starting point in their journey towards success. It has all the potential to overcome the mountainous challenges; the required is unity, faith, discipline and guidance.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Examine how modern parallel computers are subject to multiple instructions with multiple data types The WritePass Journal

Examine how modern parallel computers are subject to multiple instructions with multiple data types Introduction Examine how modern parallel computers are subject to multiple instructions with multiple data types IntroductionGraphics Processing Units Conclusion BibliographyRelated Introduction Parallel computing is known to be the act of concurrently using several computational resources such as CPUs to resolve IT problems (Knowledge Base, 2010, Reschke, 2004). These problems are broken into separate entities/ instructions to be executed and solved simultaneously by multiple CPUs (Barney, 2010). Modern parallel computers are subject to multiple instructions with multiple data types. They engage in the act of decomposing the domain as a manner of dividing the workload. â€Å"Master nodes implicitly synchronize the computation and communication among processes and high level languages are used† (Karniadakis et al, 2003, p.61). However modern parallel computer architecture today is becoming increasingly complicated and users are considering a transformation of general purpose CPUs to more specialist processors of heterogeneous architectural nature (Brito Alves et al, 2009). In this piece of writing, I will put into perspective a critical engagement of graphics processing units (GPUs), which are highly efficient at the manipulation of computer graphics and are used to process significant amounts of data simultaneously. They play their roles effectively making them even more efficient than all-purpose CPUs for solving algorithmic problems. GPUs give a whole new meaning to parallel computing today, due to their dedicated functions. I will focus on this case through critical analysis, argumentation and engagement, to give a comprehensive understanding of modern parallel computing. Graphics Processing Units A Graphics Processing Unit is a multi-core processor that was introduced to the community of scientific computing on the 31st of August 1999 (Brito Alves et al, 2009; Nvidia Corporation, 2011).   The ‘processor’ is the very basic component of processing, which executes instructions that refer to the functions aimed at various devices. The grouping of processors is known as a ‘multiprocessor’ (Paolini, 2009). An individual GPU distinctly contains hundreds of these core processors giving systems the access to several cores at the same time (Brito Alves et al, 2009). Modern GPUs have revolutionised from machines which simply rendered services to immensely parallel all-purpose processors. â€Å"Recently, they exceeded 1 TeraFLOPS 7, outrunning the computational power of commodity CPUs by two orders of magnitude† (Diamantaras et al, 2010, p.83). GPUs nowadays aid concurrent ï ¬â€šoating-point computations inclusive of its shaders and programming pipelines. Therefore the functionalities of GPUs have enhanced to be more applicable than how it was before (Offerman, 2010). On a normal processor, it is the control flow which gains the position of prominence. This denotes how the algorithms process data and variables. A modern GPU on the other hand, provides a stream processing model which helps execute the traditional concurrent calculations utilized in â€Å"High Performance Computing (HPC), industrial, finance, engineering programs and in High performance technical computing (HPTC)† (Offerman, 2010,p.32-33). GPU manufacturers however had in fact failed to detect the opportunity not until the consumers began to manipulate those new capabilities. The manufacturers began to elongate their current product lines to add GPGPU (General-purpose computing on graphics processing units) solutions merely after HPC programs were used in game consoles and graphics adapters (Offerman, 2010). For instance, according to Offerman (2010), â€Å"some users deployed a stack of PlayStation 3 systems to do their parallel calculations. Today, IBM oï ¬â‚¬ers the Cell processor that is speciï ¬ cally designed for this game console as a parallel computing blade† (p.33). The processing models of GPGPUs also known as the general purpose GPUs are massively parallel, but they heavily rely on â€Å"off-chip video memory† (Halfhill, 2008, p.3) in order to run on big sets of data. Distinct threads need interacting with one another via this off-chip memory. As the frequency of memory access increase, the performance tends to get limited (Halfhill, 2008). Those who manufactured graphics processors were slow at adopting the GPGPU trends, judging by the sales made on the high end systems for HPC and HPTC (Offerman, 2010).   Offerman (2010) states, â€Å"The double precision ï ¬â€šoating-point operations have been introduced over the last years, but performance in that area is still lacking. The same goes for access to memory.† (p.34). Regardless of these disadvantages, the nVidia and the ATI presently provide a product line which is targeted at GPGPU programmes (Offerman, 2010). As for ATI the product portfolio consist of Stream products whereas for nVidia it consists of Tesla cards â€Å"based on their GeForce 8 GPUs† (Offerman, 2010, p.34) which could be unfolded by making use of the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) which will be discussed further on in the essay. Computing on GPGPU obits around significant data structures and matrixes â€Å"where super-fast and in parallel relatively small computations are performed on the individual elements† (Offerman, 2010, p.33). This is the reason why a graphics processor has an even greater local memory compared to a traditional CPU. Therefore it makes a GPU particularly suitable for significant parallel applications today (Offerman, 2010). A GPU uses an important ‘Single Program, Multiple Data’ (SPMD) architecture for the purpose of specialising on intensely parallel calculations. A heavy amount of the data processing is done through the devotion of transistors instead of caching data (Alerstam et al, 2008). GPUs today are highly data parallel processors which are utilized to give substantially high â€Å"floating point arithmetic throughput† (Alerstam et al, 2008, p. 060504-1) for issues meant to be resolved using the SPMD model. â€Å"On a GPU, the SPMD model works by launching thousands of threads running the same program called the kernel working on different data.   The ability of the GPU to rapidly switch between threads in combination with the high number of threads ensures the hardware is busy at all times† (Alerstam et al, 2008, p. 060504-1). This capability efficiently conceals memory latency, and the performance of GPUs will also be improved by combining with multiple levels of h igh bandwidth memory, accessible in the latest GPUs (Alerstam et al, 2008). â€Å"Nvidia revolutionized the GPGPU and accelerated the computing world in 2006-2007 by introducing its new massively parallel â€Å"CUDA† architecture. The CUDA architecture consists of 100s of processor cores that operate together to crunch through the data set in the application† (Nvidia Coropration, 2011, p.1). The CUDA GPU programming framework from Nvidia enables the growth of parallel applications through the elongation of C, which is known as â€Å"C for CUDA† (Diamantaras et al, 2010). Nvidia’s CUDA is a software platform for a massive degree of high performance parallel computing on any firm’s powerful GPUs. (Halfhill, 2008) The CUDA is a model which has the ability to scale parallel programming. â€Å"The CUDA programming model has the SPMD software style, in which a programmer writes a program for one thread that is instanced and executed by many threads in parallel on the multiple processors of the GPU† (Patterson et al, 2009, p.A-5). This CUDA model regards graphics devices as discrete co-processors to the CPU. CUDA programs as mentioned before â€Å"are based on the C programming language with certain extensions to utilize the parallelism of the GPU. These extensions also provide very fast implementations of standard mathematical functions such as trigonometric functions, ï ¬â€šoating point divisions, logarithms, etc.† (Alerstam et al, 2008, p.060504-2) Kernel functions which are basically C functions carried out in N parallel thr eads initiate the calculations on GPUs. In a semantic manner, the threads are formed in 1-2-3- proportional sets of up to threads of 512 known as ‘blocks’.   Every block is planned to run independently of each other on a multiprocessor. These blocks are simultaneously or sequentially executed in any order based on the resources of the system. However, this scalable notion comes at the cost of limiting communication amongst the threads (Diamantaras et al, 2010). For multiple threads to run simultaneously, a type of architecture known as the ‘Single Instruction, Multiple Threads’ (SIMT) is employed by the multiprocessors. The SIMT units in the multiprocessors develop planned activities and carries out sets of 32 parallel threads in regular succession. The efficient levels could be maximised if the identical instruction path is executed by every thread. The access of memory from the multiple threads could be joined together into one act of transacting memory, given that the successive threads obtain data from the very segment of memory (Diamantaras et al, 2010).   Diamantaras, Duch and Iliadi (2010) argue further, â€Å"Following such specific access patterns can dramatically improve the memory utilization and is essential for optimizing the performance of an application.† (p.83). Regardless of such optimal results, the CUDA framework is in fact meant for applications with a high concentration of arithmetic memory (Diaman taras et al, 2010). The CUDA model like the GPGPU model is massively parallel. However, it separates the sets of data into relatively small compact masses which are stored in on-chip memories. Several thread processors are then allowed to share every mass. The local storage of data cuts down the necessity of obtaining off-chip memory, which improves the performance. From time to time threads do need to obtain off-chip memory, for instance, to load off-chip data needed into the local memory. Off-chip memory accesses in the CUDA normally do not delay the thread processors. Rather, the delayed threads go into a queue of inactive nature and are substituted for another thread which would be available for execution.   As soon as the delayed data of the threads become obtainable, the threads enter into other queues which signal that they are ready to go. Bands of threads alternatively execute in a round-robin style, making sure that every thread gets to be executed on time without stalling the other threads (Halfhill, 2008). A prominent characteristic of a modern CUDA model is that programmers do not write threaded code in a clear concise manner. The manager of hardware threads manages the threading almost mechanically (Halfhill, 2008). â€Å"Automatic thread management is vital when multithreading scales to thousands of threads- as with Nvidia’s GeForce 8 GPUs, which can manage as many as 12,288 concurrent threads† (Halfhill, 2008, p.3). Even though the threads are light in weight, meaning that every thread runs on relatively small pieces of data, these threads are in fact fully developed. All threads have their own stacks, register files, program counters and local memories. Every thread processor has 32 bit wide 1024 registers enforced in static random access memory (SRAM) rather than latches. The GPUs preserve the threads which are not active and regenerate them once they reach their active form again. As Halfhill (2008) states, â€Å"Instructions from multiple threads can share a thre ad processor’s instruction pipeline at the same time, and the processors can switch their attention among these threads in a single clock cycle. All this run-time thread management is transparent to the programmer† (p.3) By taking away the load of managing the threads in an explicit manner, Nvivia makes the programming model more simplified. It removes an entire class of all likely bugs. Theoretically, the CUDA model eliminates the possibility of having deadlocks amongst the threads where deadlocks are said to be the occurrence of a blockage between many threads which prevents the threads from influencing and controlling the data. This creates repulsion where no single thread may be allowed to continue. The risk of having deadlocks is that they could lie in and wait without any detection in well behaved codes for decades (Halfhill, 2008).   CUDA could eliminate any deadlock, regardless of the number of threads running.   An application programming interface (API) named ‘syncthreads’ supplies clear synchronization of barriers. â€Å"Calling syncthreads at the outer level of a section of code invokes a compiler-intrinsic function that translates into a single instruction for the GPUâ €  (Halfhill, 2008, p.4). This instruction prevents threads from running on data which other threads are making use of. The point at which graphics processing intersects with parallel computing comes a modern prototype for graphics called ‘visual computing’. It plays a role of replacing broad segments of the â€Å"traditional sequential hardware graphics pipeline model† (Patterson et al, 2009, p.A-4) with geometric programming components, pixel and vertex systems. Patterson and Hennessy (2009) argue, â€Å"Visual computing in a modern GPU combines graphics processing and parallel computing in novel ways that permit new graphic algorithms to be implemented, and open the doors to entirely new parallel processing applications on pervasive high-performance GPUs.† (Patterson et al, 2009, p.A-4). Even though GPUs are considered to be the most parallel and the most potent processors in an average computer, they are arguably not the only processors in existence. CPUs have become multicore and in the near future would turn into manycore. They are considered to be primary successive processor companions and tend to compliment the hugely parallel manycore GPUs. These dual typed processors would incorporate heterogeneous multiprocessors (Patterson et al, 2009). GPUs have evolved into scalable parallel processors. The modern GPUs have further developed (function wise) from Video Graphics Arrays (VGA) controllers of constrained capabilities to programme centric parallel processors. The revolution has continued from the change of API based graphics pipelines to integrated programme centric components and by also devising a more programmable and less specialised hardware pipeline stage. In the end, it seemed sensible to unify distinct programmable pipelines to a merged array of several processors which were programmable. In the â€Å"GeForce 8-series generation of GPUs† (Patterson et al, 2009, p.A-5), the processing of pixel, vertex and geometry operate on the very same processor type.   This fusion enables impressive scalability. The entire system is greatened by more processor cores as process functions can make use of the total processor array (Patterson et al, 2009). The processor array is now made with fewer processors on the side of the spectrum as every function can be operated on the very same processor (Patterson et al, 2009, p.A5). However, a lesson that could be learnt from GPUs and graphics processing software is that an API does not disclose concurrency to programmers in a direct manner (Asanovic et al, 2006). â€Å"OpenGL, for instance, allows the programmer to describe a set of â€Å"vertex shader† operations in Cg (a specialized language for describing such operations) that are applied to every polygon in the scene without having to consider how many hardware fragment processors or vertex processors are available in the hardware implementation of the GPU† (Asanovic et al, 2006, p.13) The uniformity and scalability of the arrays brings modern programming models for GPUs. Solving non graphics issues is made possible by the significant amounts of floating-point power embedded in the processor arrays of the GPUs (Patterson et al, 2009). As Patterson and Hennessy (2009) say â€Å"Given the large degree of parallelism and the range of scalability of the processor array for graphics applications, the programming model for more general computing must express the massive parallelism directly but allow for scalable execution† (p.A-5). The vanguard of GPU hardware provides several floating points units running simultaneously on Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) vectors. They too run on scalar data types. Therefore a GPU could also carry out scalar functions concurrently, providing heterogeneous parallelism (Fritz, 2009). â€Å"Various generations of Intel Pentiums and Power PCs only feature up to three 4-way SIMD vector processing units.† (Fritz, 2009, p.2). What this signifies is that a GPU could provide SIMD parallelism in both a single component and even across a battalion of components; alternatively just the element wise parallelism is exploited by SIMD CPUs (Fritz, 2009). It is believed by Intel that (many core) processors support tens and thousands of multiple threads. Following a series of tests with the hyper threading and dual core technologies, those who manufacture CPUs have now undeniably entered the (multi core) era. In the not so distant future, all-purpose processors would contain not just tens and hundreds but thousands of cores (Offerman, 2010). However, according to nVidia, such processors do exist in the modern times; graphics processors contain tens and hundreds of cores and support thousands of multiple threads. GPUs are presently being separated as chips on graphics cards and motherboards. They are gradually being used by programmers who code applications (Offerman, 2010). â€Å"For specific problems they have found mappings onto these graphics engines that result in speedups by two orders of magnitude† (Offerman, 2010, p.1). These graphics processor manufacturers have become fully aware of this opportunity and are making efforts at devising their merchandise to access not just graphics processors (Offerman, 2010). From the point of view of a programmer, a CPU offers multi thread models enabling many control-flow instructions, whereas a GPU offers stream processing models which puts â€Å"large performance penalty on control flow changes..Currently, new programming languages and extensions to current languages are developed, supporting both explicit and implicit parallelism† (Offerman, 2010, p.1). All-purpose processing on a GPU is commonly known as â€Å"Stream Computing†. They stress on parallel computing which results in high performance. As Paolini (2009) quotes â€Å"Beyond simple multithreaded programming, stream computing represents a logical extreme, where a massive number of threads work concurrently toward a common goal† (p.49). However, even though a GPU consists of multiple core processors, they are mostly not all-purpose CPU cores. Therefore the cores become limited in susceptibility.   For instance, the modern NVidia GPU consists of several multiprocessors where each processor contains several SIMD stream processors. However, the memory structure in the architecture seems to be complex. Multiple memory types in the GPUs are categorised according to their scope. â€Å"Registers serve individual processors; shared memory, constant cache, and texture cache serve multiprocessors; and global device memory serves all cores† (Brito Alves et al, 20 09 p.785; Richardson and Gray, 2008). A reduced latency is allowed in the processor level by the memory so that the threads in the same block could communicate with each other whereas accessing the global device memory seems to have an increased latency which can be obtained from the CPU. â€Å"The problem must be highly parallel so that the program can break it into enough threads to keep the individual processors busy† (Wolfe, 2008, p.785). GPU architecture today has great potential in scientific computing and has the ability to provide effective parallel solutions for linear systems (Brito Alves et al, 2009). Conclusion Based on the facts and arguments mentioned above, it can be concluded that GPUs are in fact highly parallel structures. They make use of specialist architectures to execute extreme parallel calculations. Great emphasis was placed on the CUDA as it plays a vital role in the functioning of GPUs; The CUDA being a parallel computing architecture is the computing engine in a GPU. Professor Dongarra (2011), the Director of the Innovative Computing Laboratory of The University of Tennessee, states that GPUs have evolved to the point where many real-world applications are easily implemented on them and run significantly faster than on multi-core systems. Future computing architectures will be hybrid systems with parallel-core GPUs working in tandem with multi-core CPUs. (p.1). â€Å"Graphics processors deliver their highest performance at successive, relatively simple, massively parallel operations on large matrixes, using as few as possible control ï ¬â€šow instructions† (Offerman, 2010, p.34). Modern GPUs today have embedded architecture which enables the GPUs to emphasize on the execution of multiple concurrent threads.   This unique GPGPU approach known to solving computational problems gives GPUs the better edge to carrying out parallel computing in a more effective and comprehensive manner, making it one of the most parallel structures in the computer world today. Bibliography Alerstam, E., Svensson, T., Andersson-Engels, S. (2008) Parallel Computing with Graphics processing units for high-speed Monte Carlo simulation of phonton migration ONLINE: [Accessed 28 March 2011] Asanovic, K.,  Bodik, R., Catanzaro, C.B.,   Gebis,  J.J., Husbands, P., Keutzer, K., Patterson, D.A.,  Plishker, W.L., Shalf, J.,  Williams, S.W., Yelick, K.A. (2006)   The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: A View from Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California at Berkeley [Accessed 31 March 2011] Barney, B. 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