Friday, November 29, 2019

Evidence and Donald free essay sample

In the film Doubt, Father Flynn is a priest of a catholic school who is being accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student named Donald Miller. The accusations are brought upon by the principle of the school, Sister Aloysius. Those accusations that are brought upon him were not based on facts, only Sister Aloysius’s certainty. Even though Father Flynn could not be proven guilty or innocent, there was no evidence proving him to be guilty. There may not be any evidence proving Father Flynn to be guilty, but realistically there is plenty evidence proving his innocence. First, when Sister Aloysius accuses Father Flynn of giving Donald Miller alter wine; he proved his innocence by pulling in an elder priest as an alibi saying that he caught Donald drinking the wine. Even though the elder priest said that he caught Donald drinking alter wine, it does not mean that Father Flynn gave it to him. We will write a custom essay sample on Evidence and Donald or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, even if Father Flynn did give alter wine to Donald, it does not mean that sexual activity took place. Sister James, a new teacher at the school, also gave Sister Aloysius reason to believe that Father Flynn is abusing Donald when she told her that Donald was upset once he returned from meeting with Father Flynn. Even though Donald was upset when he returned, it does not mean that he was upset with Father Flynn. The film makes it quite obvious that Donald adores the priest. Therefore, it would be hard to believe Donald was upset with him. He could have been upset at a number of things such as, conflicts between him and his father, his sexuality, his peers not liking him, or him being caught drinking alter wine. Donald never stated why he was upset upon returning meeting with Father Flynn so there is no proof that Father Flynn was the cause. Sister James points out that Sister Aloysius isn’t very fond of Father Flynn because of some of his characteristics. This grudge that sister Aloysius has against him may influence the accusations that she has against him as well. Sister James also reported to Sister Aloysius about a shirt that Father Flynn put in Donald’s locker. That is another influence that sister Aloysius uses to prove that Father Flynn is guilty. Donald being upset when returning to class after meeting with Father Flynn, the alter wine found on Donald’s breath, the shirt Father Flynn put in Donald’s locker, and the attention that Father Flynn gives Donald are all influences that Sister Aloysius uses to prove Father Flynn is guilty but none of which are factual evidence. After all the accusations that Sister Aloysius brought upon Father Flynn, he resigned. Some may believe that he resigned because he was guilty but that still doesn’t prove he had an inappropriate relationship with Donald Miller. He may have resigned because he thought his reputation was in jeopardy. He also may have resigned because he thought Sister Aloysius would never give up on trying proving he was guilty of molestation. If Father Flynn was guilty, he may not have granted him higher position at another school and at another church. Even though Sister Aloysius seems certain of her accusations, she admits at the end of the film that she too has doubts.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thomas Woodrow Wilson Essays - Presidency Of Woodrow Wilson

Thomas Woodrow Wilson Essays - Presidency Of Woodrow Wilson Thomas Woodrow Wilson Thomas Woodrow Wilson, twenty-eighth president of the United States, might have suffered from dyslexia. He never could read easily, but developed a strong power of concentration and a near-photographic memory. The outbreak of World War I coincided with the death of Wilson's first wife Ellen Axson, who he was passionately devoted to. Seven months after her death his friends introduced him to Edith Bolling Galt, a descendant of the Indian princess Pocahontas, they were married nine months later. By 1912 times were good for most Americans. Farmers were enjoying their most prosperous period in living memory, the cost of living rose slightly, unemployment was lower than it had been for several years, and working conditions were improving. By 1913 when Wilson was inaugurated, American industries were in a flood of consumer goods, including automobiles, telephones, and movies. However, Wilson almost did not appear on the presidential ballot, the leading contender for the Democratic nomination was House Speaker Champ Clark. It took 46 ballots before the delegates swung to Wilson. In the election, the Republicans were split between Taft and Roosevelt, almost guaranteeing a Democratic, and Wilson victory. He sought ways to build patriotism and to reshape the federal government to govern the nation more effectively. Wilson was a conservative, in his books and articles, he often displayed hostility to reformers and rebels. Although Woodrow Wilson is mostly remembered for his success in foreign affairs, his domestic reform and leadership abilities are notable as well. Commemorated by the public mainly for his success in guiding the nation during it's first great modern war, World War I, for getting out of the Mexico/Philippine muddle inherited from ex-president Taft, and for his dream of ending the threat of future wars through the League of Nations, Wilson is also admired for his domestic successes, which represented the Progressive Era of reform. Diplomatically, as well as domestically these events illustrate Wilsons competent leadership skill. Woodrow Wilsons nomination was strongly opposed by the progressives but he eventually passed much of their domestic reforming legislation. The progressive movement backed by Wilson called for some government control of industry and for regulation of railroad and public utilities. Among its other goals were the adoption of primary elections and the direct election of United States senators. Wilson called Congress into special session to consider a new tariff bill, he personally delivered his legislative request to Congress. Moved by Wilson's aggressive leadership, the House swiftly passed the first important reform measure, the Underwood Tariff Bill of 1913, which significantly reduced the tariff for the first time in many years and reflected a new awareness that American businesses were now powerful enough to compete in the markets of the world. In the end the Underwood Tariff had nothing to do with trade but the importance was the income tax provision (later the 16th amendment) which would replace the revenue lost when duties were reduced. It also showed that America was powerful enough to compete without protection from the government. As Congress debated the tariff bill, Wilson presented his program for reform of the banking and currency laws. The nations banking system was outdated, unmanageable, and chaotic. To fix this Wilson favored the establishment of a Federal Reserve Board with presidentally appointed financial experts. The Board would set national interest rates and manage a network of twelve major banks across the country. These banks, which would issue currency, would in turn work with local banks. Congress passed the Federal Reserve act basically in the form the President had recommended. Amendments also provided for exclusive governmental control of the Federal Reserve Board and for short term agricultural credit through the reserve banks. This was one of the most notable domestic achievements of the Wilson administration which modernized the nations banking and currency systems, laying the basis for federal management of the economy and providing the legal basis for an effective national banking system. The final major item on Wilsons domestic agenda was the reform of big business. Big businesses worked against the public by fixing prices and restraining competition. Business and politics worked together, and Wilson sought to stop that. Determined to accept big business as an inevitable, but to control its abuses and to maintain an open door of opportunity for "the genius which springs up from the ranks of unknown men,"1 Wilsons hoped to curb big business. He thought that government should intervene in the regulation of business, and that it was essential to control corporate behavior to prevent corporations from stifling opportunities for creative and ambitious people. Business

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Crime Causation and Diversion Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crime Causation and Diversion - Research Paper Example In general, these programs try to alleviate crime and recidivism, alter the juvenile offender’s attitudes and behaviors, target reduction of cost in the juvenile justice system and provide protection of a juvenile’s criminal record (Delta County, 2012). Major goals, objectives and beliefs Cognitive-behavioral programming aims to ensure that the young adults under this program should be able to learn important life skills, problem solving, conflict resolution, critical thinking and reasoning skills (Denver District Attorney’s Office, 2012). In other words, this program is generally all about life skills training in which it seeks to give the best opportunity for juveniles to learn the most essential things in life rather than committing crimes and other related unlawful activities. Community service on the other hand usually exposes the clients or youths to activities such as graffiti removal, trash pick-up, providing help to food banks, homeless shelters and comm unity events upon request (Denver District Attorney’s Office, 2012). ... For example, graffiti removal, a simple activity from a straightforward unlawful act, will substantially help the clients understand the value of being responsible for certain things in life. In other words, community service is believed to substantially divert the youth’s attention to things that would make them become responsible citizen with a high sense of purpose in life. How do these programs work Cognitive-behavioral programming would substantially help reduce crime because young people would basically learn to maximize their potential which in the long run would make them productive individuals in the society. Juveniles are known to be potentially able to commit crimes because the bottom line is that they might have different perceptions about the world which can make them become likely to pose certain dangers (Champion, 2010). This can be basically illustrated on their actual behaviors which at some point would result to vandalism, theft, and other bloody or heinous c rimes such as rape, murder, robbery and the list goes on. In other words, young people can become so serious and even pose a significant potential threat to the society because the crimes they committed could speak about how their minds could become so violent and harmful at some point. Thus, cognitive-behavioral programming would actually make sense because this program substantially diverts the cognitive capability of young adults to things that would help them develop their skills, reasoning and mental ability instead of giving focus on things that could lead them to creating detestable matters under the law. Community service on the other hand, as a community program for juveniles to divert their attention to productive things, ensures that juveniles should become more responsible citizen

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Marketing, INDIA outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Marketing, INDIA outline - Essay Example Because of this diversity in population and culture, the food habits of the Indian population are different. India is a secular democratic country even though the majority of the population are Hindus. Most of the Hindus are vegetarians whereas Muslims and Christians are non-vegetarians. â€Å"Indias meat consumption is very low - currently 4.5 kg per capita - and it has grown by only 1 kg in the last 20 years† (Prospects for the livestock sector) whereas in vegetable consumption India became one of the prominent countries in the world. Typical meals in India are prepared from wheat, rice, barley, vegetables etc. â€Å"From 1997 to 2003: per capita food availability did not increase, and child malnutrition rates remained at very high levels, with more than 46% of children under five being underweight† (The Financial Express). An international marketer should take note of these food statistics of Indian people seriously while formulating marketing strategies for differen t regions of India Most of the Indian people are living below the poverty line and hence they may not have adequate housing facilities. Many of the Indian people are staying in temporary huts and their housing needs were not properly met by the governments till now. Most of the Indian people live in one-family or house even after their marriage because of their lack of financial abilities to purchase independent houses. Since India is a huge country with different climate zones, different types of houses are built by people living at different regions. For example, in the southern region, concrete houses are more prominent whereas in the northern regions, wooden houses are more common. The awareness about the housing types and family setups in India will give the marketer some idea about the cultural traits of India which is necessary to develop proper marketing strategies. Since India is a diverse country with respect to people,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Project - Research Paper Example Some of the most renowned products are Johnson’s baby products, facial wash clean and clear, Tylenol medications, Acurve contact lenses, as well as Neutrogena skin and beauty products etc. The company is planning to increase its market share and achieve the desired goals; for that matter, Johnson & Johnson analyzes its human resource management practices and policies in order to see which integral parts are performing well and what further improvements are required. This report audits the human resource management of Johnson and Johnson. HR Program aspects that seem to be performing well Employee diverse workforce: Johnson & Johnson has workforce from all parts of the world, speaking different languages, sharing different faith, religion, knowledge visions, customs and culture. This workforce is more than 115,000 employees who share different academic and educational qualification as well. The educational background varies from low level worker to highly qualified PhD scientis ts. (Foster and Kaplan, 2001, p.232) Johnson & Johnson credo being the precipitating factor for swift managing of this workforce and is also a reason behind its success. The workforce may differ in values and beliefs but the company’s credo ethical values seem to bind them as one unit which leads Johnson & Johnson towards success as a single collective workforce unit. Policy towards labor laws and regulations Johnson & Johnson labor laws have these main agendas: The minimum age to qualify for working at Johnson & Johnson is 16 and those who are 18 or under are not allowed to work more than 48 hours in a week. Giving proper rest to workers during work day and avoid maximum working hours for workers in order to maintain safety. Labor prison should be avoided in terms of bonded or forced manipulations of workers. Proper knowledge should be given to workers about the daily or hourly wages, if extra hours are required then, extra hour wages should be disclosed to worker before ini tiating work. Respects the rights of the workers and their decisions of joining or not joining the organization. No discrimination in terms of gender, health, religion etc. Respect the right of workers to bargain in a collective manner without illegal or collective manner. Threats in terms of brutal and sexual harassments should be avoided. The balancing work and family program: Johnson & Johnson started to make efforts for creating a balance in work and family program after taking an inspiration from a credo survey, which revealed the deficiency in commitment of Johnson & Johnson towards work and family program. As a result, balancing work and family program was put to practice. Learning services group: Learning services group was designed to assist operating units regarding workforce performance and towards the adaptability and adjustment of Johnson & Johnson culture. The main aim of this group is to offer quality management and help units to achieve quality and high standard prod ucts (Johnson & Johnson b). The live for life program: The desire of Johnson & Johnson is to have strong and healthiest workers in the world leads toward the idea of live for life. The program merely focuses on exercise, nutrition, stress control and non smoking assistance. Various programs were introduced which offered health and fitness awareness and issues related to health. (Johnson & Johnson a) Training and development with reference to the concept of i- lead: In order to get the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Design of Oil Storage Tanks

Design of Oil Storage Tanks Oil Storage Tanks 1-Introduction Storage tanks containing organic liquids, non organic liquids, vapours and gases are used in many industries. Most such tanks are designed and built in accordance with American Petroleum Institute API-650 specifications (1). These tanks can range in size from 2m to 60m diameter or more and are usually situated in containment basins so that spills will be contained if the tank ruptures. Storage tanks are commonly employed in industries involving petroleum production and refining, chemical and petrochemical manufacturing, bulk storage and transfer, and a variety of other industries consuming or producing liquids and vapours. 1.1-Types of storage tank There are basically there are eight types of liquid storage tanks, viz: (i)Fixed-Roof tanks (ii)External floating-roof tanks (iii)Internal floating-roof tanks (iv)Domed external floating-roof tanks (v)Horizontal tanks (vi)Pressure tanks (vii)Variable vapour-space tanks (viii)Liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanks The first four types of tank are cylindrical in shape with the central axis which is perpendicular to the ground. Such tanks are almost always employed above ground level. Horizontal trunks can be employed both below and above ground level. Pressure tanks are located above ground and are usually spherically shaped to provide the maximum strength to withstand high internal pressures. Variable vapour-space tanks can be spherical or cylindrical. A containment basin made of brick or concrete is normally built around tanks with a lining impervious to the stored material in order to contain spills that could cause fire, property damage or environmental contamination. The capacity of the basin should be at least equal to that of the largest tank plus ten percent of the sum of the capacities of others. Fixed Roof Tanks Fixed roof tanks are common in production facilities where it is required to store hydrocarbons with vapour pressures close to atmospheric pressure. A fixed-roof tank typically consists of a cylindrical steel shell with a dome-shaped or cone-shaped roof that is permanently fixed to the tank shell. Umbrella roofs are also common. Fixed roof tanks are used for storing very high flash-point liquids (e.g. fuel oil, water, bitumen etc.). They are generally fully welded and are now designed to be liquid and vapour tight, while older tanks with a riveted or bolted construction are not vapour tight. Fixed roof tanks are generally insulated to prevent the risk of clogging for some materials, heating coming via steam coils inside the tanks. Dome roofs are used for tanks with a storage pressure slightly higher than atmospheric. Fig 1. A Tank Farm showing a number of Fixed roof tanks Fig. 2. Typical domed fixed-roof tank Fig. 3 Umbrella fixed-roof tank The commonest fixed-roof design has a shallow cone roof with a single centre column and internal (or external) framing to provide support for the roof plates. This involves having rafters and girders pressed to the roof radius. Cone roofs are generally supported from the shell using trusses or rafters. For large cone-roof tanks columns and girders can be used to support the roof plates and rafters. Intermediate columns are used where the diameter is more than 37m. Designs may include a frangible roof joint (i.e. able to break into fragments when over-stressed) for added protection against a sudden increase in internal pressure. For this the design pressure limited is equivalent to the pressure of the total weight of the roof plates including structural rafters. If the storage pressures are going to exceed the capabilities of a cone-roof tant, then other fixed-roof designs such as the self-supporting dome roof or umbrella roof can be used. API Standard 650, (Appendix F) (1) designs permit internal pressures of up to 2.5 psig, depending on the tank diameter. For operating pressures of more than 2.5 psig, API Standard 620, (‘Design and Construction of Large, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks’) (2) has design procedures for internal pressures of up to 15 psig. Because of environmental concerns and to cut down on vapour losses designs tend to include internal floating decks in fixed roof tanks either at the time of construction or later as a retrofit (Fig 3). This has the advantages of both fixed and floating roof design. Fig. 3. Domed fixed-roof tank with inner floating roof and showing roof supports Emissions from fixed roof tanks vary depending on vessel capacity, utilization rate of the tank, vapour pressure of the stored liquid and the local atmospheric conditions. Losses of the stored product from evaporation can be large in fixed roof tanks – particularly for crude oil where vapours are released through the pressure vent valve. Losses are classed either as Breathing Losses or as Working Losses. Breathing losses occur when vapour expansion and contraction caused by changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure lead to the expulsion of vapor. This loss happens without any change to the liquid level in the tank. Working losses happen when the liquid level in the tank is increased. Fixed roof tanks are either freely vented or have a pressure/vacuum vent that allows the tank to operate at a slight internal vacuum or pressure. This stops the release of vapours when there are very small changes in pressure, temperature or to the liquid level. It is also possible to make t anks that are inert when there is a slightly positive gas pressure. Such tanks should have pressure-vacuum valves and when in use be purged with natural gas to remove air from the vapour space. Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of different types of fixed-roof storage tanks (5) 2.1Gauge Hatches Fixed-roof tanks should have a gauge hatch in the roof which allows it to be opened quickly. This allows the operator rapid access to gauge the tank. Gauging comprised: measuring the volume of liquid in the tank finding out if water is present and, if so, measuring the height of the oil/water boundary sampling the material in the tank. determining the temperature of the liquid in the tank. The gauge hatch can be weighted so that it will work as a backup pressure or pressure-vacuum relief device to complement the primary pressure-vacuum valve. Fig 3 Typical gauge hatch Standards for the manual gauging of petroleum and its products are contained in the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (3). 2.2Filling or pumping operations Routine tank filling and pumping will affect the vapour space in a fixed-roof tank. Removing product from the tank draws air into the vapour space, creating a hazard. During the holding period prior to refilling the tank, evaporative breathing losses are increased because of the larger volume of the vapor space. Adding product to the tank, increasing the volume of liquid, displaces the the mixture of air and product vapour via the tank vent, causing significant evaporative emissions. 2.3Gas blanketing systems If the vapour pressure of the product in the tank is low (below 10kPa), it is safe practice to use a freely ventilated fixed-roof tank. For production tanks or other applications where the vapour pressure of the incoming liquid is usually higher than atmospheric pressure at usual ambient temperatures, a gas blanketing system is needed to maintain positive tank pressure and minimise the risk of air being sucked into the tank vapour space. At times when there is no inflow of product, the tank breathing process could, by itself, lead to air being drawn into the tank through the pressure-vacuum valve, forming a potentially explosive mixture. A gas blanketing system needs a supply of natural gas and a pressure regulator that works to keep the tank pressure at the desired level. When the ambient temperatures increase causing the pressure inside the tank rise, the regulator closes. If pressure continues to rise, the pressure vent opens to relieve the internal pressure in the tank by venting vapours (blanket gas plus product vapour) to the atmosphere or to some vapour recovery process. A vacuum relief valve must still be used to protect the tank against a vacuum forming if the gas blanketing system should fail. 2.4Fire Exposure Out breathing, caused by exposure to fire, may exceed the design venting rate based on normal operating conditions. If that happens, the tank’s construction details determine whether additional venting is needed. On fixed-roof tanks, where the roof-shell attachment is constructed according to API Standard 650 (1), the roof-to-shell joint may be considered frangible, so that excessive internal pressure may cause it to fail before failure occurs in either the tank-shell joints or in the shell-to-bottom joint. In tanks built in this way, there is no need for addition emergency venting systems, as long as the tank is well away from other equipment and the loss of the roof in an emergency is acceptable. On tanks that do not have frangible joints, design procedures are given in API Standard 2000 (4) for calculating the necessary venting capacity for fire exposure. 2.5Containment Basin Fixed roof tanks are constructed insida a containment basin made of brick or concrete and with a lining that should be impervious to the liquid being stored to prevent spills that can cause fire, property damage or environmental contamination. The minimum capacity of the basin should equal the capacity of the largest tank plus 10% of the combined total capacity of any others. To contain a spill or to prevent some other emergency the basin walls must be able to withstand high pressures and also be resistant to the stored product. The basin drain valve is put into the outer side of the containment basin and must normally be kept closed to prevent possible leakage of any contaminant into the environment.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Effects of Divorce on Children Today Essay -- Psychology Sociology Mar

Effects of Divorce on Children Today Divorce and its effects on children are common issues that are on the rise in the world today. Divorce affects more than just the married couple. Children often bear the brunt of divorce, which makes divorce a complicated decision for most parents. Understanding the effects divorce has on a child is important to know exactly why a child acts a certain way. A divorce can affect a child psychologically, intellectually, and even behaviorally. Children can suffer physiologically from things like depression, intellectually by having trouble in school and behaviorally by having trouble in social settings. Legally, a divorce is a single event, but from a psychological standpoint, it is a complicated, multilevel issue. Things like identity confusion, depression, and anxiety are all areas of psychological concern this paper will address. Through this explanation, I will demonstrate the harmful effects divorce has on children. Identity confusion is a main concern of children who have experienced divorce. Often time?s children feel responsible and blame themselves for their parents? actions. Felling guilt for actions that do not pertain to them can have lasting psychological effects. In a study done on effects of divorce, almost half of the participants felt responsible for their parents divorce (Taylor 2001). This study involves interviewing children regarding their views of the parental divorce. It discusses these children?s feelings and gives specific recommendations. The children are asked a series of questions including, ?Do/did you feel responsible for your parents? divorce (Taylor 2001). The amount of children who felt responsible in one way or another totaled 33% (Taylor 2... ... Identity confusion, depression and anxiety are all harmful effects divorce has on children. Feelings of responsibility, sadness, and apprehension about their situations have extremely detrimental and lasting affects on children. These studies show that these are indeed grim realities many children have to face in their daily lives. Parents may be affected by a divorce, but the children are the real victims. References Barker, Philip. ?Family Dysfunction and Anxiety in Children.? Anxiety in Children. Ed. Ved P. Varma. Methuen, Inc.: New York, NW, 1984. 89-104. Fox, Daniel J. ?Children of Divorce: Is There a Personality Component Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 35 3/4 (2001): 107-124. Taylor, Raymond J. ?Listening to the Children: Children of Divorce Speak Out About Their Parents.? Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 35 1/2 (2001): 147-154.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Value of Higher Education

Ruben Zamudio English 1 Section 1739 Dr. Garnica Assignment 1 The Value of a Higher Education As the predecessor for success in America since the 1970s, college is questioned more and more this generation whether its stature is essential for socioeconomic mobility. What once was seen as the eroding force of class divisions has sadly become the reason for its fortification. This eroding force does however give a pleasant image of a better life with a higher earning career at hand.The instability of the nation’s economy has made it difficult for students of low-income class to get access to colleges and universities and surpass the invisible barriers that hold them back from achieving the American dream every citizen has. One major drawback for access to higher education can be focused directly on the nation. Since the tragic incident of 9/11, our nation’s spending towards defense has dramatically increased. What does that mean? Not enough dollars are going towards what m atters most: education.The Bush’s administration’s 2007 budget proposed the largest cut to federal education funding since the twenty-six years of existence for the Education Department—a loss of $2. 1 billion. This cut meant that schools and colleges throughout the nation had to compete more than ever for proper funding from the government, both at the state and federal level. As resources are being stripped from schools, struggling students will only continue to struggle, while students with money and resources continue to add on to the legacy that has preceded them.This information does not include another economic sector that has made it difficult for students to access higher education, the ever-growing cost of college tuition. â€Å"College tuition has increased 66% beyond inflation within the last ten years, and 26% at private institutions†. Higher education was looked at to further the knowledge of our nation’s citizens, to expand and bette r what we had, but due to the difficulty of accessing it, all we continue to do is increase the gap of class stratification.Gary Rhoades of the Center of the Future of Higher Education stated, â€Å"Our current policy path, of continued cuts in state support and continued increases in tuition will only increase the stratification in the future†. This is an adverse trend, as our nation is in dire demand for more educated graduates and workers, not fewer. Yet, policymakers continue to steer their focus away from increasing access to schools, and making it that much harder for students who struggle already. In the world we live in today, money is the motive and the drive.Elementary and post secondary schools with a high property tax are two linked reasons for the inequality of education. Schools rely heavenly on property tax revenue using as much as half for funding. A report done by Daphne A. Kenyon, a member at the Lincoln Institute, displayed the correlation of property tax a nd school funding of seven states: California, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Texas, Ohio, New Jersey, and Michigan, with â€Å"Massachusetts ranks the highest and California the lowest, according to the respective property tax relief and school funding principles presented in the reports. This report associates itself with the most educated states in the country, with Massachusetts being one of the most educated and California being one the lowest. Giving you an idea how this source of revenue actually helps the students in the long run, getting a higher quality of education, as schools are able to buy more materials for the classrooms, and pay for workshops which could improve teachers. Educational value depends on the educational spending in students and institutions, as does the quality.This inequality for students enforces class stratification, as students who receive better quality of teaching throughout their academic career, will be better prepared for colleges and universit ies and the workforce ahead. As these students leave a form of legacy behind them in their alma mater, access for their children will be easier, as children with parents who’ve attended college are more likely to go than those with parents who have not. Unfortunately for those who receive poor quality education, their mobility will be limited than what it should be, ignoring general income as a factor.Students with lower income have always trailed behind their affluent colleagues in school performance, not saying that they cannot advance, but the way the system is being operated against them. Universities have grown selective in their admission process, aiming towards students with higher incomes, as they contribute and pay more than those with lower income. A trend that has continued to grow and debated about is the acceptance of out-of-states students over in-states students.Populated states with tight higher education budgets have grown to rely on out-of-state students due to their higher tuition payments to help sustain the schools. Another issue that universities and institutions present is the administration blight. A 2010 study has shown that administrators have grown 39% per 100 students compared to professors, researchers, and other staff members, who have only grown 18% per 100 students. Schools need more professors and researchers, not administrators, who make an average of $390,000 a year.This steers universities’ mission away from providing a proper education and more and giving those in higher power more power. Full time professors and researchers are being replaced, and do not have time to perform research to further the advancement of knowledge. Despite the numbers flown around everywhere, what you earn from a college degree is in fact beneficial to a person. Those with a post secondary education will genuinely earn a bout 64% more than someone with just a high school degree or a drop out ($1053 vs. 638 earned a month). The earnin g gap in today’s society has been the highest since 1915, and in today’s economy, you need to have that stable income to be ready for whatever policies and laws and raises in tax rates that the country might throw at you. So attending college will definitely have it’s advantage, most of the times. Although attaining and completing your post secondary education, the work field will not always guarantee you a job solely due to a degree.Post secondary education has taken it share of hits from legislators and policymakers, but this should not affect the access for students who are working hard to achieve a better future for themselves and potential families to come. Despite, the intense competition that has grown, post secondary is essential in the today’s world and a little competition is always healthy. Our state and national government, as well as schools and parents have to understand the importance of post secondary education for our future generations, and must find a way to restructure our budgets to help students succeed as much as possible.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Capital Punishment misc6 essays

Capital Punishment misc6 essays Many people support the death penalty, and a lot of them use the defense that comes from the Bible: an eye for eye, and a limb for a limb. I on the otherhand believe otherwise. Punishment by death, in my opinion, is a very barbaric way of penalization . In the world, it is known that at least 2500 prisoners are executed in at least 37 different countries, on an annual basis. There will be various statistics, opinions, history, and background information discussed through out the residuum of this thesis. The history of the death penalty, dates back to the days of Hammurabi and his code to the days of the present. The methods nowadays are certainly different, but the objective and goal has remained the same. The earliest known date of any form of organized capital punishment was in 1750 B.C., with Hammurabi and his code. The Bible prescribed death for more than 30 different crimes, including: murder, treason, theft, arson, and rape, to name a few. In the Medieval Times, treason ( grand and petty ) murder, larceny, rape, and arson were all crimes recognized as punishable by death. During the reigns of King Canute and William the Conqueror, it was not used at all. By 1800, though, more than 200 crimes were construed as punishable by death, but most were commuted by a royal pardon. In the American Colonies, in the years before the Revolution, it was commonly for a wide variety of offenses. Near the end of the 18th century, though, efforts to abolish it arose in Europe. It was led mainly by the Quakers, who believed in non-violence all together. Then when influential documents arose, it prompted and inspired the great French philosopher, Voltaire, to oppose it At the present there are many fundamental questions raised pertaining to the fact that with the death penalty intact and fully operational, isnt the government condoning killing. Also, isnt the government b...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

gilgamesh and lysistrata essays

gilgamesh and lysistrata essays In reading the two ancient tales, Gilgamesh and Lysistrata, I have begun to question many of the social paradigms surrounding gender roles. While finding many differences, I have drawn several parallels between the ideas of these writings and our modern ideas of what it means to be a man or woman. These stories were very clear in illustrating mens positions of authority and the ideas of kingship, militarism, and heroism. Men were continuously expected to demonstrate the tough guy persona that is perpetuated throughout todays media. Conversely, particularly in Gilgamesh, the positive ideas of brotherhood and male bonding are represented. I have surmised that the role of women in society in both antiquity and modern times is very limited in its importance and that men continue to dominate all of the established power structures. However, in my reading, I have also realized that there seems to be one recurring theme that contradicts my last statement. In both Lysistrata and Gilg amesh, the female characters seemed to represent a certain control over the male characters. Unfortunately, this one display of power is through the use of sex, of course. In this paper, I will examine the aforementioned themes and analyze their meanings relating to the text as well as contemporary examples. The epic poem Gilgamesh is the first heroic epic of world literature. The story tells of the arrogant and ruthless, Gilgamesh, a powerful figure of a man but a poor king. He tyrannizes his people, exhausting men in combat and claiming the right to sleep with any woman he pleases. The gods create Enkidu, a wild creature, to challenge Gilgamesh. After being tamed by the harlot, Shamhat, Enkidu enters the city to confront his now equal. After an initial clashing of two egos, Gilgamesh and Enkidu become friends. On an expedition, they confront the demon Huwawa in the Cedar Forest and the Bull of Heaven requested by Ishta...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Strategic Business Analysis of Nike Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Strategic Business Analysis of Nike - Term Paper Example ences 17 Executive summary The world of the 21st century is progressing at a rapid pace, on the line of fast change and tremendous development. It is important to highlight that the fast change of the current centuryare being powered on the lines of highly connected telecommunications technology that has advanced in a tremendous way in the recent past. It needs to be mentioned that throughout the previous decade. There was a tremendous surge in the penetration of internet - based connectivity in various parts of the world. As a result of a fact acceptance of the single mode of connectivity which has developed on the lines of internet powered virtual platform in various corners of the world, it needs to be mentioned that the world has transformed into a single connected global entity. This has increasingly paved the way for easy synchronization of various trends related to globalization that are emerging from the different corners of the world. (International, 2011, p. 32) ... 158). With the growing entrance of new companies in the markets of the emerging as well as the developed economies, there is a rise in the number of substitute products as well as the number of alternatives that exist in the market. The rising number of substitute products and services is automatically providing more power to the consumers (Hirschey, 2009, p. 504). This is naturally leading a strong hand in regards to increasing the level of competition in various markets around the world. Talking in this regards, it needs to be highlighted that in order to create a factor of distinction as well as develop an arena of unique strengths in the face of extreme competition in the marketplace, it is very important for an organization to engage in the process of conducting a strategic analysis on a periodic as well as regular manner. Talking in regards to the project, it can be said that this particular research based assignment focuses on the process of providing an in-depth analysis of N ike Inc, which is considered one of the most popular multinational brands of the division related to athletic footwear and apparel in the recent times. Strategic Analysis of a company and its importance Strategic analysis of a company forms a very important part of the strategic management of a company. From the academic point of view, strategic management is the process of identifying, evaluating as well as implementation of strategies so as to meet organizational objectives. From the importance point of view, it can be said that the strategic management is highly critical as it provides a well planned process related to analyzing as well as usage of tools and frameworks for studying the internal and external environment

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Make one up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Make one up - Essay Example Particularly, the soul is immoral in the aspect that people represent the wholeness of all the others in the entire world. In simple terms, take for example the analogy of an ocean. The ocean comprises of many drops of water; every drop is a single entity and at the same time, forms at least a part of the entire ocean. Thus, in this ocean filled with life, human beings are little drops. This doctrine indicates that every person must identify himself with life for in everything that lives, the majesty of life in God’s presence perpetuates. Scholars point out that blood and flesh do not have the power to inherit God’s Kingdom. Additionally, they go ahead to state that the perishable cannot inherit the imperishable. For instance, many Greeks rejected Pluto’s argument towards death. To those who opposed, death’s prospect caused a sense of terror, thus clarifying the mystery (96).This means that our mortal bodies do not have the ability to inherit the Kingdom o f God as well as that which is perishable cannot what is imperishable. This shows that the soul is imperishable and immoral in that, when people talk of inheriting the kingdom of God, they do not exactly mean they will go physically to claim it. However, their souls will claim God’s kingdom. Agreeably, people die after serving their life existence in this world (86). Therefore, for them to inherit God’s kingdom, their souls need to remain in existence in order to fulfill this quest. Ideally, the need to inherit the kingdom of God makes the soul remain immoral and imperishable. The argument of life after death is not something new but existed anciently. This was a common perception with Greeks. Nevertheless, Stewards argues that the doctrine was not hopeful. This doctrine was objected by some of the Greeks despite the fact that a reasonable number followed the soul’s immortality doctrine. In addition, it is undoubtedly unwise to question the will power of Almight y God. When people talk of resurrection during the end days, they refer to resurrection of the soul. According to scriptures, the soul will come back to life as opposed to our physical bodies. As noted, our bodies are subject to sickness, diseases, and decay and thus cannot inherit the kingdom of God, as they are perishable. Nevertheless, our spiritual bodies shall rise again gloriously and dwell afterwards in the kingdom of God. In simpler terms, that who neglects the life present in the soul simply casts away the present good. This highlights that this kind of person refuses to live for God and squanders all that he has. Under this spectrum, the soul is immoral and imperishable in the way that those who neglect the life in it squander the life in their bodies and bodies do not last forever. In conclusion, noting that the souls that sin shall die is imperative. It is arguable that righteousness shall be upon those who do right and wickedness shall be upon those who do wickedness (8 8). Likely, Go manifests his presence in innumerable states in the universe. Every manifestation commands people’s spontaneous reverence. In the same way God is everlasting, the soul that inhabits and manifests its presence is indeed imperishable. David Stewart asserts that this world of sense is perpetually changing and every moment is coming to a state of flux hence indicating that it is immoral (96). The way in which this happens is another way in which the soul is immor