Wednesday, January 8, 2020

India And Pakist An Ideal Comparative Pair Essay - 1746 Words

In 1947, India and Pakistan became newly independent states, leaving behind British colonial rule. Due to the shared geographical location, background and culture between these nations, these two countries have often been compared against each other. However, since earning independence, India and Pakistan have undergone significantly different political trajectories. This paper will explore various factors that have impacted the nation-building of these countries and understand why India has been successful in practicing democracy, while Pakistan has been afflicted with military and autocratic governments. India and Pakistan share cultures and histories yet have stark differences in political regime type, making an ideal comparative pair for inquiry. Historical Narrative Oldenburg describes India and Pakistan as â€Å"fraternal twins† due to their shared levels of extreme poverty and extreme inequality in 1947. However, the struggle to be free of British rule was distinct which set a vital precedent for the subsequent regimes of Pakistan and India. The British withdrawal was hasty due to their realization they could no longer afford to hold on to its over-extended empire. One of the main reasons for the creation of a separate Muslim nation in the Indian subcontinent was due to the conflicting religious views of Hindus and Muslims. These issues had existed prior to British colonial rule, however the differences were exacerbated by British policy. Britain as a colonizer, followed

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