Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Importance Of The Foundations Of Child Development And...

Dear parents, My name is Jessika Lawson I am an early childhood educator and I am writing this letter to better help you understand the importance of the foundations of child development and learning. I will be talking about theories, theorists and my own personal philosophy on how kids learn. In regards to child development there are several theories. However, the theory I agree with and practice most is B.F. Skinner’s Behavioral and Social-Learning Theory. He believed that children learned through interacting with their environment and getting reinforcement from the actions. I agree with this theory because I have seen it happen many times. A child will never know to stay away from hot stuff if he or she never gets burnt. A child can be warned about something several times but never listen to their parents until they experience it on their own. Every action has a consequence it can be good or bad. This normally conditions the child’s behavior. This theory focuses a lot on negative and positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement means giving a consequence that the child finds rewarding. Negative reinforcement is giving an undesired consequence to the child. Here are some examples of positive and negative reinforcement. If a child receives five dollars f rom their parents every time they clean their room, they are receiving positive reinforcement. If a child doesn’t clean their room they must pay their parents five dollars, this is negative reinforcement. This canShow MoreRelatedThe Key Messages Of The Foundation Phase1057 Words   |  5 Pagesassignment will be exploring how the key messages of the Foundation Phase are applied throughout all aspects of the curriculum. It will analyse childhood theorists’ sentiments about the Foundation Phase, the notion of play in learning, both indoor and outdoor, and Personal Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity. 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